View Full Version : Cam Belt Change

10-05-2006, 10:29 AM
Hi there,

It's time to change the cam belt but I was wondering if anyone else has changes theirs,and if they did so with the engine still insitu?

Any hints would be of help


10-05-2006, 02:40 PM
Yes, it can easily be done on the car.There is no need to take the engine out. T

11-05-2006, 07:40 PM
We're in the middle of doing mine as we speak hee hee

Recommend you take the back of the roof off, and the window. Makes it easier and stops the window from getting damaged.

12-05-2006, 07:22 AM
Thanks guys!

I'm sure I'll have more questions.
I'll let you know how we go!


Paul w
12-05-2006, 06:49 PM
Anyone fancy posting a 'How to...' guide to changing the cam belt in the 'How to....' section?


Mitsuo Shima
13-05-2006, 12:13 AM
sorry please have a look below.

Mitsuo Shima
13-05-2006, 12:17 AM
Does com-belt change is so easy? I checked on Japanese BEAT's owner web. He said he took whole 3days for changing belt! So, I decided that I took my BEAT to Honda dealer. It costs, but my engine (motor in England English?) is really good now. I also changed spark plugs.
I did not know the BEAT's motor is so smooth. It goes to red zone, very smooth with nice sound. Be careful it goes over 8000rpm in second. I am happy driving my BEAT everyday from here St Neots to Cambridge.

13-05-2006, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Paul w
Anyone fancy posting a 'How to...' guide to changing the cam belt in the 'How to....' section?


A site got closed down in Ireland because the got taken to court over the how to section.

Paul w
14-05-2006, 05:56 PM
I would fight such action on a 'use you (un)common sense' basis.

Its not a manual, official document or anything like that, just a guide for the have a go diy'er

Its a good point though, i'll pop a disclaimer on it!


(edit) just went to post a disclaimer and found i already had one! lol

Disclaimer - The information in these guides is for advice only. It should not replace the information given by a qualified vehicle technician. If you aren't up to doing the job then don't try it, if you break your beat, its your own fault!!

18-05-2006, 09:42 PM
My only comment is I have owned a few beats and changed the Cambelt on most of them. I hope you have small hands lots of patients and expect to loose some skin on the hands. Also you have to take alot of parts off to get at the belt.. Go to a motor factors ask for a Honda Civic camblet 101 teeth in costs around 18 pounds and yes this sad b***d counted everyone.

23-05-2006, 09:15 PM
Cambelt is a bit tricky. Small hands a must.

The crankshaft nut is the worst part.

But persevere as it is better that the result of not doing the job.

See attached photo of bent valves. Repair cost me £500.00 in parts.

Mitsuo Shima
23-05-2006, 09:26 PM
I asked Honda dealer in peterborough to change my Beat's cambelt. They did good job and cost about 200pounds! Expensive but work is really complicated, so it is reasonable I believe.
Here is a report of changing cambelt from Japan. He did a lot of works by himself. It is amazing. It is worse to have a look.


bottom of page you see Japanese letter ŽŸ‚Ö means next page, so click it.

24-05-2006, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by graham45
See attached photo of bent valves. Repair cost me £500.00 in parts.

Oh yes! Two of mine had holes in :rolleyes: which is why mine wouldn't start!!! Took 5hrs to get to them, 3 to change them, and 6 to put it all back hee hee!

But mine runs better than ever now, I paid £40 per valve from Honda, £135 for the gasket set and £37 for the belt!

25-05-2006, 01:50 PM
I have been talking to a Beat owner call Dave Martin, he used re-build Aston Martin Engines for a living!! He says holes in exhausts valves are usually caused by incorrect seating!!

This can be caused by bad fuelling (ref ECU probs) as carbon build up can block the valve seat!!

Also poor setting of tappit gaps which need to be adjusted on a beat at least every 20,000Kms most garages wil not do this unless aksed. The wear rate from experience is quite high and adjusment of gaps helps valve seating performace.

Finally over fuelling can lead to Oil being washed from the cyclinder bores causing excessive wear and leading to Oil burning at 100,000 kms


26-05-2006, 02:00 AM
How cheap would it be for a garage to adjust the tappet gaps as an addition to a basic service?

And is there a certain dimension that the gaps should be?

In fact, what are tappets? I know quite a bit of car theory and so forth, but tappets... I never found an explanation. Kinda embarassing.


26-05-2006, 09:40 PM
As the engine is single over had cam 12 valves, ie 4 valves per cyclinder. There is a rocker arm assembly which is driven by the camshaft. As the cam shaft rotates it pushes the arms up and down opening and closing the valves. There are gaps between the arms and the valve ends which have to be set!!! the cost should not be more than one hours labour and no parts!!!


28-05-2006, 12:22 PM
Mine was caused by over fueling I believe, loose connection on the ECU, dry solder on the relay... doesn't over fuel now and we were able to let the idle valve back in ok

29-05-2006, 09:21 PM
After suffering a problem where it just wouln't start, the fuel pump relay was replaced about 3 years ago, so maybe something went wrong then. I will ask for a extra lambda ratio check in next week's MOT to see if there is a problem. (They *say* they won't fail me on it!)

Thanks for the tappet explanation.

Is 1 hour really reasonable to adjust these tappets gaps? And is it really that necessary every 20,000 km?

And what should the gap be? Or is the idea that wear will tend to make a gap open up, and the adjustment is done to close the gap back to zero, so that the cam has proportional and direct control over the valve? I just can't see the advantage of having a gap there.



29-05-2006, 10:12 PM
www.honda-beat.co.uk (http://www.honda-beat.co.uk/page2.html)

This link should give you enough info about tappet adjustment.


29-05-2006, 10:41 PM
Ah, thanks Steve,

Whilst you're here, do you happen to remember whether you adjusted the tappets on my Beat 3 years ago? My father, Roger, had just bought the car, and you spent quite some time on it sorting the roof and giving it a pretty thorough service.

No worries if you can't remember.
