View Full Version : Hot starting prob

23-04-2006, 07:06 PM
Hello folks

My Beat(or indeed our Beat, cos my sister has been showing it off to all her mates)has been with us for about a week now, and has occasionally refused to start properly when hot. It does actually fire, but idles at 8-900rpm for a few secs, then throws in the towel. A couple more turns of the key sorts it out, but i'm still wondering what's going on. My Integra has a(very occasional) hot starting problem too, but it never actually stops running once it starts. Is it a Honda thing, or am i just expecting too much from a 15 year old car. Also, should i get my main dealer to change the cambelt? It looks like a nightmare of a job, and they've always been good to me, but i'm worried it might be an engine out job and would cost a fortune.



23-04-2006, 07:13 PM
Hot start problem is usually the fuel pump relay needing to be replaced.

(Located above the ECU behind the passenger seat area)

Mine did it a couple of times a year but I lived with it untill I was changing a few things and decided to swap it for a new one whilst everything was apart.

I gather it cured it but since it didn't do it very often I can't be 100% sure.

Normal way to tell, is that you DON'T hear the fuel pump prime when you turn on the ignition when it plays up.

I'm sure Steve M will be able to give advise on the cambelt

Hope this helps


23-04-2006, 07:56 PM
Mine does this too...

23-04-2006, 09:36 PM
Read the "how to" forum all the info about your starting problem is in there


24-04-2006, 06:26 AM
the Main relay issue:

Very repairable, remove the unit, check dry solder joints, poke as many holes as you can in the grey plastic cover to cool it off a bit without compromising the structural integrity, then it should be fine, the unit itself also is not very expensive to replace if it comes to that.