View Full Version : Ah curses

22-04-2006, 11:21 AM
Was driving along a national speed limit dual carriage way, tuttling along at 60mph... when I we get to a big hill... got my foot to the floor and the revs just keep dropping and dropping...

I think how very strange, never had trouble before with this hill... then get to a round-about... and the beat's chugging away like a tractor....

So i think... great now what have I done :rolleyes:

First time I get the hood off in 2006 and I blow the bloody thing up :(

So anyway... got it towed back (the scariest moment of my life)... put it to bed... came out next day... GOT A BLOODY FLAT TYRE TOO!!!

Ah curses...

Dunno what's causing the other problem though, has spark, has fuel, but compression is down to 7 (whilst the other two are at 14). Cylinder 3 just will not fire properly, so it's time to strip the head down again and find out what's up.

We're thinking valves probably.

I'm just mad that it's happened when I finally get employed (which is going great... apart from the having to live at the boyfriend's house until I get my car back on the road)

Sorry about the long post, just felt like a rant...


22-04-2006, 12:06 PM
That's terrible news, its sounds like the same thing that happened mine a few years back. One of the valves shattered, hopefully its just a valve causing the loss of compression and not the rings/cracked piston.


22-04-2006, 12:18 PM
Oh dear sorry to hear your problems, hopefully it wont be too serious and can be fixed without too much problems.

22-04-2006, 05:42 PM
Hope it's not a major catastrophy.

Mine did the same thing Easter Sunday, but fortunately it was because silly sod here had run out of fuel - first time in my life I've ever done that. Resolution was:

1 Walk 2 miles home
2 Find petrol can (but no rubber tube, so...)
3 Drive Renault to garage
4 Fill up a can
5 Drive back to Beat
6 Park Renault and top off Beat
7 Drive Beat home
8 Walk 2 miles back to Renault
9 Drive it home
10 Collapse!

I know it doesn't help your problem, but I hope it vaguely amuses you.

22-04-2006, 10:48 PM
Not so much whiteleopard as more like red leopard, you poor thing, as per my earlier rant on a different thread, guys which cylinder had a valve failure?? Was it an exhaust valve and have you checked your ECU for signs of capacitor or component failure. My theory is that ECU problems are causing over feulling and this gives higher combustion temperatures which in turn cooks the exhaust valve which then either blows a hole or just falls off at the stem trashing the piston too. Help me in my investigation by giving details and also whip out your ECU's and have a look at them. This problem has occurred on a car showing no signs of idle problems or engine check lights on and still it took out a valve!!!

Another good check is to get it crypton tunned to see if the emissions are showing up over fuelling !!!

23-04-2006, 06:08 PM
It has a project A chip, and you can tell just by standing behind the car it's over fueling. Has done ever since the chip... kinda figured that's what it's for.

It's cylinder 3 (the closest to the drivers seat) that's not firing.

The BF is taking the head off tomorrow to give to Phil (the chap who rebuilt it last time) to sort out for me again.

He came over yesterday had a look at it, said the valves are opening so it's not a sticky valve.

He suspects it's a burnt/shattered one.

Mines never had troule idleing (apart from when we're waiting on hills when it's just started)... doesn't burn much oil anymore. No white smoke...

all very sudden and unexpected!

Been looking at second cars today, decided I fancy a cream coloured smart car... test driving one next week.

23-04-2006, 09:49 PM
If you get a chance whip out the ECU and have a look at it!!!
Project A will give more fuel but only when it is needed and in a balanced way when need ie when press hard on the joy pedal :)

A pattern seems to be forming with various answers I am getting!!!


PS I have a spare bran new exhaust valve if you need it!!!

got it from OZ so it is not the usuall Honda UK 40 pounds


23-04-2006, 10:33 PM
What would I be looking for in the ECU?!?!

Burnt out parts? or something else?

24-04-2006, 06:19 AM
Just an addition to the ECU debate, recently as you know I had the condensers done on the new Beat by a professional over here, he suggests also that the Power supply module is as important if not more to replace when you do the condensers. Its worth having a look at it. I know White you have already replaced the condensers (quite well remember the track ripping story). I think Tim also burnt out #3 originally so maybe there is something to this. I'm sorry to hear your off the road for a while, at least with the new job you may be able to have some more cash to flash on the car!! lol

24-04-2006, 05:04 PM
Number two shattered on mine… im not too sure what exactly caused it. I think it was a combination of a suspected rich fuel mixture, hard valve stems and a dodgy set of performance HT leads (the number two lead on mine failed the night the valve shattered).

Although the ECU could be at fault in some cases, I think it was established on another tread about fuel economy that the O2 sensor could be to blame for rich mixtures i.e the signal sent to the ECU could be the cause, not the ECU itself.

WL I remember you mentioned your car was Smokey and using oil before the rebuild, its possible your O2 sensor got coked up- sending an incorrect signal to your ECU- leading to a rich mixture etc etc…..

OZ, was your car over fueling? By replacing this chip did you notice any difference? Either way, I might pop mine out to change it… better to be on the safe side! Is this component readily available?

25-04-2006, 06:11 PM
Well took the head off last night... exhaust valve on cylinder has a HUWGE hole in it... :(

Does anyone know the correct valve clearance?!?!?!?!

BF was saying he showed the head to the chaps at work and they seemed to think the valves weren't closing properly.

There was a lot of carbon build up, and one exhaust valve on cylinder 3 was white. :confused:

Also noticed a build up of yellow jelly like stuff on the radiator cap under the bonnet... :confused:

Headgasket is fine... so based on the evidence anyone offer any advice?!?!?!

Paul w
25-04-2006, 08:22 PM
The 'mayonaise' is an emulsion of oil and water, or if its more 'jelly like' then it could be a type of bacterial growth due to the engine not getting that hot (cant remember what its called, but i know i've read of it somewhere)......edit....Nitrobacter!(good old google!)

If its oil in your water, a seal or gasket has gone somewhere, possibly water pump problems..

Take a pic of the jelly and i'm sure steve can tell you more!