View Full Version : The orange bit in the headlights

08-04-2006, 12:18 PM
I've seen a beat on ebay a while back that didn't have the orange bits in the headlights.

Now this has set me off and i'm hoping mad that I can't get to them :explode:

Do you really have to take the front bumper off to get the headlights out?

Then do you have to take the headlights apart to get to the orange bit?

Or is there another way?

It's driving me mad... now I have clear side repeators I want clear headlights
and my front bumper won't come off :(

08-04-2006, 01:28 PM
Even worse... as far as I know you have to dissassemble the headlight as it's usually glued. Means that you must heat it in an oven to tear it apart. It's tricky with plastic headlights and as a Beat headlight is quite rare to find already I wouldn't bother.
But... I might just be wrong and maybe there's another way. I tried the above method on my prelude headlight and ended up trashing it. :(


08-04-2006, 02:10 PM
I believe, if you are VERY carefull, once the headlight is out, you can break the orange bit up with a screwdriver BUT it has to be done VERY CAREFULLY.

I know you can take the FTO headlights apart by heating them in the oven for about 10-15mins @ 75C and then carefully prising the 2 halves apart with a blunt knife.

Once finished, heat the 2 halves up again and re-assemble whilst the glue is still tacky.

They seem to advise putting a bead of sealent around the lense once finished just to be on the safe side.

Don't know if the Beat lights are the same but I'd think it is simlar.


09-04-2006, 08:02 AM
you mean these??

09-04-2006, 08:27 AM

This is how to take them out, or at least what you have to remove to get at them. As to removing the yellow plastic insert, that takes the courage. With the light assembly out, a dremmel tool with a cutting blade is best, then you have to smash up the remaining reflector with a looong pair of pliers, into pieces that can be drawn out. I really don't reccomend this though, it can be a very expensive mistake if you aren't careful, even crappy headlights here in Japan are over 60pounds each. The advice on opening the headlight is sound, but you want to make sure you seal it entirely when finished, or thats a whole new bundle of problems.



09-04-2006, 03:16 PM
Thank you for the advice, think I might let the bodyshop remove the lights for me when they replace the front bumper... then I might brave trying to destroy the orange bit hee hee

14-04-2006, 03:04 PM
Found this in my travels


its self explanitory I think..... he does make comment that he never wants to remove the lenses again as it was a tough job....


16-04-2006, 01:08 PM
Thanks Oz, still haven't decided what i want to do with it but I think it would make a hell of a difference