View Full Version : Has my band expander blew up?

07-04-2006, 05:49 PM
Just thought I'd run this by you guys see if you aggree before I start cutting wires.

Basically installed sub/amp, reconnected the battery. Tested it on a few CD's etc. Then decided to tune my radio back in and couldn't get any stations apart from a faint radio 1.

Today I ended up with my arm stuck up one of the vents checking the wire from the ariel. That's definatley plugged in. Checked the wire/connections that I could see there. Pulled one of the wires through, unplugged the connector there and radio1 disappeared, so the ariel is obviously working ok. Checked everything around the back of the stereo again, everything's still plugged in. Pulled out the band expander did a visual check, didn't smell like it's burnt out inside, but still no radio stations. Unplugged the band expander didn't seem to make much difference.

So do you think it could be that my expander has blown up? Or are there any other things I could check before I start snipping wires?

07-04-2006, 07:41 PM
Just a thought, but the expander doesn't have an inline fuse does it???

Might be worth replacing it anyway, they're not too expensive.

Does radio 1 appear in the correct position on the tuning scale???

If it does then the expander isn't working, if it doesn't then it is working, if you know what I mean.

Normally the aeriel plugs into the expander and then the expander plugs into the radio.

Hope this helps


07-04-2006, 10:23 PM
They are in the order you have suggest.

My radio is tuned in to 7 9.9 (whatever that is hee hee is it 97.9fm?) Hasn't moved at all.

I think I might have to replace the band expander then, doesn't seem like that much of a task to be honest.

08-04-2006, 12:53 PM
Hi Emm,

If it's tuned to 79.9 then the expander is still doing it's job,

You haven't done what I did once have you, the aeriel is actually up isn't it...lol

I normally keep mine down to stop it getting vandalised (again) and then wondered why the radio wouldn't work properly...:suicide:


08-04-2006, 04:08 PM
hee hee, no I don't have an original ariel. I would imagine it got snapped off by some moron. I have a wibbly woobly ariel that has worked fine since the day I had it. It's all a bit strange.

14-04-2006, 04:10 PM
With the band expander disconnected and the aerial plugged in as normal, you should still be able to tune the radio to radio 2 (89.1) and that should work. if it doesnt then you have a problem with either the aerial or the radio itself.

The band expnader will only shift the frequency. (normally just adding 10 mhz to its range)


16-04-2006, 01:12 PM
Found out what it was, the base of the aerial had corroded away (it wasn't a standard one anyway)

So the boyfriend kindly ripped it out :rolleyes: hee hee so I now have an internal one that fits on the windscreen.

It's not perfect but I can' pick up radio 1 properly again which is all I really wanted.


Now just need to get the rear panel smoothed in and the hole filled.