View Full Version : Need help with my locks

05-04-2006, 04:42 PM
Some moron tried to steal my beat at the weekend :rolleyes: all they managed to achieve was to push the lock further into the door (someone tried it before and just pushed the lock back)

How do I get to the lock to push/pull it back into the right position?

05-04-2006, 06:02 PM
does the door open ?? ie from inside ?

if so, you can take the door card off, and you shall be able to get your hands on the back of the lock and try to locate it to its original position.



05-04-2006, 07:04 PM
It needs pushing back with some force, there's a lip to stop it being pushed into the door in the first place.

Tried taking the door card off last time and couldn't see how to get to it.

Was wondering if you have to take the handel esembley out and dismantle it.

05-04-2006, 08:26 PM
Oh dear sorry to hear that somebody tried to take the yellow beast :explode:

05-04-2006, 10:16 PM
although i have not yet taken a beat apart, but they pretty much similar in most honda,

try going round the door card and u should see a few screw, there would usual 1-2 screw that are around the handle area or hiden. one un-screw and you shall be able to pull away the bottom of the door card. its quite stiff as there are clips behind it

hope this helps, maybe someone can explain better ....

05-04-2006, 11:02 PM
I assume you know how to remove the door lining, so I'll go from there.... to remove the handle there are 3 10mm hex nuts, with the window up, one will be directly below it, the other has an access hole drilled in the body the the third is top right its acess hole is covered by a black sticker. Remove all three, carefull not to drop them inside the door (I did). then the handle assembly will pull out. The top right also has a bracket attached to it so be careful you note which way it came out so you can attach it the same way again. When the handle is half ay out you can rotate it and slide it off the rod.



06-04-2006, 02:34 AM
Thanks oz, i'm having a brand new shiney alarm fitted at the weekend which will hopefully ward off any future attacks. So I'll have a go at getting the handle off and apart after that.


Oh dear sorry to hear that somebody tried to take the yellow beast

Yea, I wasn't best pleased when I found out! hee hee! :p

06-04-2006, 06:48 PM
When is the egg hatching ?:) ops to late its hatched

06-04-2006, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by JGGIB
When is the egg hatching ?:) ops to late its hatched

hee hee! I didn't even know what it was... just thought it looked funky. Wanted to see what happens :D