View Full Version : Carbon/Wood Dash Kits for the BEAT

23-03-2006, 02:23 AM
Hi all,

My company (BDTRIMS JAPAN) has launched a kit for the Beat, so I thought I'd give it a plug on here. I designed the kit myself so its pretty damn good I think!:p Mates rates apply of course and I made two variations A full and basic kit. If anyone is interested in getting one just drop me a line.

Full Kit

Basic Kit



23-03-2006, 06:03 PM
Hi oz

I have seen your auctions on eby etc and wonder if you have any pics of a 'trimmed' beat?

there is also a silver kit too if I'm not mistaken or is this specific kit only available in carbon /wood?

23-03-2006, 10:58 PM

The kit on Ebay is through the US head office, I asked them to put it on there for me, of course it will be cheaper through this bioard. You can choose any finish you want in wood or carbon, but the carbon is +20% for material costs is all, blue, silver, black carbon. The installed example photo I don't have at the moment, lost it in a hard drive crash...doh! I'll be taking a few more quid off for those who will send me one.



23-03-2006, 11:05 PM
Well I'll be more than willing to be a guinea pig for the right price :) .

Can you give me some ideas of costs etc that I would be looking at.

Maybe send me a PM and we can work something out. :bounce:

oh yeah maybe black carbon for a rough idea.

24-03-2006, 12:50 AM
The Full kit would be
16,540JPY so 82.70GBP including postage worldwide

The base kit would be
14140JPY so 70.70 including postage worldwide

my conversion rate is at 1GBP = 200yen

As I mentioned Real Carbons only would be +20% (material costs).

If you return a photo of the kit fitted to me I'll take 1000 off the price.



24-03-2006, 06:49 PM
Ok Oz sold. Black Carbon please in the full kit :cool:

Let me know how you want paying..

24-03-2006, 10:48 PM

The full kit in Real Black Carbon would be 19848 including postage. If you want to use payPal the address is bdtrims@gmail.com, they charge 3.4% and 40 yen, which would bring the grand total to 20562. If you could provide me with your shipping address details, and the transfer, I'll get it under way for you.

Everything you need for Installation instructions are in the box, I will send you an online tracking number when it ships from the factory. Can't wait to see it on the car!!



03-04-2006, 11:37 PM
just got some pics of the black carbon kit done, mine will of course be done in Plain Yellow, will attach those when its done too.

04-04-2006, 12:31 AM
That looks pretty damn smart. Good work.

04-04-2006, 07:19 AM
Nice :D looking forward to getting the kit.

24-04-2006, 05:46 AM
I just finished fitting mine out in Yellow of course!!

24-04-2006, 05:47 AM
rear shot

16-05-2006, 09:22 AM
I was wondering. I want to put the A/C controls extra in the lower part and i got a DVD screen that i want in the top part. Can this happen man or should i just go get a custom made one? Really keen so give me a yell ASAP cheers mate,

16-05-2006, 10:08 AM

The kit is custom made, I made it! no one else has the kit for the Beat. I will be back down under in Melb as of Sept. if you need modifications done to the kit I can do them then as a one off, but I need the car for about 2-3 hrs. No extra charge of course for members. Just have to be a little patient. If Melb is not possible let me know where you are in Oz and we may be able to get it done another way.

Looks like we will soon have a worthy Beat Club down under....



20-05-2006, 04:16 AM
Hell yea, how much do you think im looking at Australian? I live in townsville so melbourne is a bit impossible with work and everything. I'd like to eventually get a whole new dash made up. with a spot to put my x-box into it so i can connect it to the screen. Any ideas you got or anything would be great, Is it possible to make it off another beat and it will still fit my car? I have a 91 Beat, You prob saw the add in the paper... Silver on in the trading post. Just give me a yell n maybe we can draw up some ideas or something. One day it will b a number one visual car.... then ill owrk on the speed lol. Cheers


20-05-2006, 04:34 AM
So you got the one from Sydney, I saw it the day it came on the net, but with things up in the air over here re transport of mine by the time I rang a week later it was gone, congrats!!

Re: Installing game machines etc... don't cut your dashboard up is my solid advice. 1) They don't make the dashboard part anymore, and shiping from Japan to return it to original will kill you 2) The games consoles outdate too easily.. Having said that, there are a bunch of people over here who install PS2's etc behind the driver or passengers seat out of site, I think thats the way to go, run the leads through the center console, get a 2DIN type Stereo surround and mount the screen in there.

Until the car is set up there is no real point in designing a kit as extra holes etc may be needed. The kit fits any Beat produced with the exception of one part, which doesn't fit the Beat with the Subwoofer option, will make it one day when I find one to measure off. So if you take my advice and don't hack up the dash, it will fit as is. The price of the kit is calculated only by material used, 1 sheet 2sheets etc, all the information will be available on http://www.bdtrims.com.au, which is currently still under construction.



11-06-2006, 01:30 AM
Just curious if anyone has managed to put a Subwoofer intheir beat. I just cant figure out where to put it. give me a yell on jessicadavis5377@gmail.com

11-06-2006, 08:06 AM
Hey Oz,
With those dashboard kits they say without subwoofer. Is there one with? Cause i been tryin to figure out how to get a sub into my car.

04-09-2006, 02:32 PM
Thanks to White I have taken the Subwoofer Style now, so you can get it if you need it, just haven't put it up on Ebay yet, been a little busy settling in... In the UK speak to Dave at luxurydashtrims.com perhaps, he could sort ya out faster


07-09-2006, 10:47 PM
Hi Oz
tried www.luxurydashtrims.com
with no success is your address correct?

08-09-2006, 02:42 AM
sorry about that should be luxurydashkits.com.... was in a rush when I wrote it.. apologies


08-09-2006, 07:28 PM
Thanks Oz it works. Have sent mail to them.
