View Full Version : Hi. I need some info.

04-03-2006, 03:06 PM
Hi. I'm considering buying a Beat, but i'd like some information. I'm a committed Hondaphile, having had a jap spec '94 integra Si for nearly four-and-half years, and it's an amazing car. Thus, i'm not intending to replace it, but i'd like something else to drive now(the Transit that comes with my job doesn't count!). What i need to know is all the real world stuff: how much does it cost to tax, how economical is it, are parts prices high, is it easy to work on and most importantly, how big is it? I know that all Kei cars are small, and also that it's 300mm narrower than the Integra. The reason i ask this, is that i'm six foot and 13 stone and my girlfriend is only a bit shorter and slightly wider than me. If a Beat has tiny, narrow bucket seats, will it fit a pair of physically large people? If anyone out there can help, i'd be grateful



04-03-2006, 04:24 PM
Hi Marge and welcome,

Tax £110 for 12 months or £60.50 for 6.

Insurance, very much depends on your circumstances and where you live but reasonable Tesco, Lifesure will quote over the phone.

Economy, 50+ mpg, most folk seem to get around this but if there's a problem it seems to drop off.

Parts, most service parts seem to be available and aren't too expensive for a Jap car. Other bits can be a bit of a problem but this site is (in my opinion) one of the most helpful sites on the net and if someone can help they will (and won't be asking for the shirt off your back). Good community spirit here we all need help from time to time and what goes around comes around.

Easy to work on,,, a matter of opinion I would say yes but it will take you a bit of time to get to know the car. One thing I would say is most bits are more accessable than on other cars. Removing a few screws will get you to most of the stuff you need to.

Size. Someone fitted a set of integra or civic buckets (midshp or Adam?) there are some pics somewhere on the site, but no point in missleading you, it's a small car. Height is't too much of an issue there are a few 6ft owners. I don't think there would be too much of an issue with width but the only way to find out would be to try it out.

If you aren't grinning from ear to ear after you've taken your first drive you need to go to hospital,,,, go straight to the basement and follow the signs for the mortuary:D

Good luck and if you're interested I just happen to have one for sale. See this Version Z (http://www.u-ukhbc.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1658) for sale with full leather, you could have it in time for Gaydon, which incidentally, might not be a bad place to go see a few cars.

Any more question at all just post them up.


04-03-2006, 04:24 PM
Hi there and welcome.

I'm a hondaphile too (have a civic as my main car).

I had the beat serviced today at my local honda dealership (full service - oil change, air/oil filters etc) for £135. And all is ok and working fine according to the sevice dudes there.

I got my beat last summer after seeing a few examples at JAE (Japanese auto Extravaganza) and lots of pestering from the GF.

Tax was 130 last year, insurance is 280 ish with Privelage (in the GF's name and me as a main driver). As for parts not too sure as have not needed to fix anything at the minute :).

As for fitting into it, I'm also 6ft and considerably heavier than 13 stone ;) and the other half is er well proportined.

04-03-2006, 04:32 PM
AliA, r u sure it was £130road tax prices (http://www.dvla.gov.uk/vehicles/taxation.htm)
You may want to ask for some money back:(

04-03-2006, 04:51 PM
Wow. I didn't expect a response so quickly, let alone two. It sounds like just the kind of car i'm after. I don't intend to buy it just yet though, thanks anyway Tim. Think i'll wait til the weather warms up a bit. I'm not surprised it's a riot to drive, cos i've never driven a Honda that isn't. Next stop insurance company. Wonder if i can piggyback it on to the Integra's policy. It must be eligible for classic insurance too, if that fails.

Thanks for such a friendly response



04-03-2006, 05:04 PM
LOL yeah I meant £110 :o sorry for the confusion I tried to edit my post when I realised, but couldn't.

Anyway heres a pic (cameraphone so the quality isn't all that) from today:


Decided to take her for a run after the service and treat her to some donuts in the snow :D :D

04-03-2006, 06:13 PM
Nice pic Ali

Toby, if you want to try a beat for size I seriously recommend coming to the Gaydon meet on the 26th March. You'll find all the details in the Events room.

There will be a fair few beats to try there, and maybe one of us will take you out for a spin ;)

Also if you ask nicely we may be convinced to show you how to access the engine through the panel.

05-03-2006, 12:31 PM
Mine will be around in Cirencester, not too far from Oxford, probably from next weekend if you want to come and try for size. Its going to the garage for fixing so I could talk to you re costs of parts (I agree with Tim, it seems about average, even cheap compared with previous Peugeot). Mine is also a version Z and from what I can make out from Tim's input, his would be an excellent example to buy.
There was one around in Oxford (up for sale about a year ago?)


05-03-2006, 01:11 PM
Ah. I remember seeing a yellow one in Oxford, probably about a year ago. Its driver was haring around a built-up area, generally making a lot of(very tuneful) noise with it. I've actually only ever seen two Beats, and the other was yellow too. Re. Gaydon on the 26th; sounds perfect to me. My girlfriend will be about then too, so i could see if we'd both fit in, although it doesn't sound like it'll be a problem. Also Gaydon is a twenty minute blast up the M40 for me. Is there an entry fee at all?

Thanks again


05-03-2006, 11:02 PM
It's £6 to enter Gaydon and you will both be more than welcome there :)

More details can be found by Clicking here (http://www.u-ukhbc.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1630) ;)