View Full Version : Gaydon, Heritage Motor Musem, Sunday 26th March, Social Meet
31-01-2006, 04:02 PM
Sammy from Honda Revolutions has asked me to invite all of you to Gaydon on the 26th March.
As announced on the events list and in the Mag - we are going to be there Sunday 26th March 2006
We will have EXCLUSIVE use of the Southern Arena (our usual car park) and there will be signs directing you into the car park.
Admission is £6 and we'll be there from 10.30am onwards - admission fee enables everyone to gain entry to the Museum (which is definitely worth a look around!) AND they have a great Cafe too!!!
The Museum is just two minutes from junction 12 of the M40 and is signposted on (and from) the motorway.
We can book a guided tour of the museum if people are interested.
If you would like a tour, please reply ASAP as I need to book these - well - now really!
We will also have area for trade stands and so I will be contacting some of the Revs dealers to see if they would like to come along.
Come on guys, should be fun ;)
For those travelling directly to the Museum please click >HERE< ( for the website, if you click Museum, then click location map then it will show you how to get there. 10.30am
For those who wish to convoy (follow me there), then we are meeting at Tamworth services, jn 10 of the M42 at 8.30am click >HERE< ( for an interactive map of the meeting point (you can zoom in and out and move the map around)
thank you :cool:
See you there ;)
EVERYONE IS WELCOME, even if you're new, never posted, never met anyone else, been here forever, post everyday, don't have a beat anymore, thinking about buying a beat. EVERYONE is welcome to attend.
01-02-2006, 01:43 AM
All being well i will come and play !!!!:bounce:
01-02-2006, 02:23 AM
Schweet! :D
01-02-2006, 09:37 PM
where is Gaydon?
01-02-2006, 09:50 PM
Near Birmingham as I've seen on
We might join with my girlfriend. Sounds sweet and hopefully Spring will be nice :)
02-02-2006, 09:34 AM
i will say yes, but i have lots going on over the next few months so i might have to pull out. but put me down as well, cos i would love to be there :D
02-02-2006, 01:51 PM
Hi Wh1teleopard, a chance to meet fellow Beat owners and their
cars.... yes ok you can count me in.
Being a newbie could you explain about what Honda Revolutions
is about , am i going to a car show and would a Honda S2000
(mate and girlfriend) be able to park with the Beat guys and girls.
Regards Lee.
02-02-2006, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by LEE.W.
Hi Wh1teleopard, a chance to meet fellow Beat owners and their
cars.... yes ok you can count me in.
Being a newbie could you explain about what Honda Revolutions
is about , am i going to a car show and would a Honda S2000
(mate and girlfriend) be able to park with the Beat guys and girls.
Regards Lee.
I shall ask for you ;)
HondaRevolutions is a club for Honda owners, they do a magazine too which a few us will be featured in next issue!!!
Go to to learn more ;)
Right I need to get a list going so I can let Sammy know how many of us there will be.
(Please copy and paste the below and put yourself in the right catergory)
Major Tom
02-02-2006, 07:51 PM
Let Lee know that not only is the Club great ;) but also we are very welcoming.
His mate and girlfriend are very welcome to come along in their S2000.
All Honda's and Honda enthusiasts are welcome - so long as they obey the site rules (no speeding etc) then they are fine.
Also if any of the beat peeps want to join in on the guided tour - we still have plenty of spaces and it is a freebie.
There you go, there's ya answer just like that hee hee
Anyone for a guided tour?
13-02-2006, 07:42 PM
presumably there will be quite a few Beats there,could we come along in our Honda S800 , just to add a bit of variety,if I can get Flo to drive ,we'll bring a Beat along as well .
Steve Barnes.
13-02-2006, 11:37 PM
That'd be awesome! I haven't seen an S800 for real! :)
So I do hope you can! :)
14-02-2006, 08:48 AM
Hi Steve,
Emms post says that ALL Hondas are welcome so yep you should be able to take yours no problem.
I might even make the trek over if I have nothing else on that weekend.
14-02-2006, 02:10 PM
Like I said all are welcome :) (thanks adrian)
I shall let the people at HR know too,
So am I right in thinking now:
Steve Barnes S800 + Beat ;)
Major Tom
Adrian P
14-02-2006, 07:20 PM
Iam coming up from clacton how long do you think it will take?
14-02-2006, 10:23 PM
I'm not sure, if you go to google type in AA route planner, then type in your postcode as start and Gaydon as end it should tell you miles and estimated time ;)
24-02-2006, 11:48 PM
It would be great to meet you guys before I swan off to Aus see you there:)
25-02-2006, 12:44 AM
List of hopefuls so far:
Steve Barnes S800 :cool: + Beat
Major Tom
Adrian P
If that's incorrect just let me know ;)
It would be cool to see a load of beats together.
Put me down as a definite.
26-02-2006, 03:47 PM
List of hopefuls so far:
Steve Barnes S800 + Beat
Major Tom
Adrian P
If that's incorrect just let me know
01-03-2006, 08:55 PM
Anyone for a tour around the museum?!?!?! Need to know asap so they can be booked. IT'S FREE!!!!
Also would anyone be interested in a convoy from Tamworth? I don't mind leading if anyone wants to follow. ;)
Yeah it would be nice to go down in convoy, let me know where/when etc to meet up.
And regarding the Tour, if others are going on the tour then sign me up. (Well it would be me and the GF)
02-03-2006, 08:32 PM
Me and the BF are going on the tour, I'll ask them to book two more spaces if possible...
As for the convoy, there is a convoy from Tamworth being run by the Honda Revolutions people, but they want to go along all the A roads which doesn't really tickle my fancy.
So we can either join up with their convoy (m42 Jn10 Tamworth services, 8.30am) or do our own going along the motorway which I would prefer.
If you would like to join me using the motorway then we could meet in the same place/same time and just branch off when they leave the motorway to go on the A roads?!?!
Anyone else up for that? Let me know, or just turn up at Tamworth Services on the day!!!
if anyone wants my mobile number just send me a PM (private message) ;)
02-03-2006, 08:53 PM
I don't think I'll be comming all the way to Tamworth, what time do you expect to be at Gaydon? Still 1030?
03-03-2006, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by tinytim
I don't think I'll be comming all the way to Tamworth, what time do you expect to be at Gaydon? Still 1030?
Yes! :)
It's ok, I wouldn't expect anyone to travel north only to come back on themselves.
If you want my mobile number anyway just let me know.
09-03-2006, 11:40 PM
Good !!!
I am coming to see you all the Sunday from St Neots drive my yellow BEAT.
I look forward to see you all there and I would love to join the museum tour if it is possible.
See you there.
10-03-2006, 12:49 AM
How many places on the tour would you like? I shall ask for two just in case, but let me know asap so I can update Sammy :)
If you would like to convoy (follow me to Gaydon ;) ) then please meet me at 8.30am at Tamworth Services (jn 10 of the M42) - Unless of course that's north of you and it would be easier to travel straight to Gaydon ;) hee hee!!!
You need to leave the M42 at Jn 10 (regardless of which way you come) - (if you are planning to travel along the A5, then it is where the A5 meets the M42 at Tamworth) and follow the signs for the services. Then follow the road (and signs) until you are in a BIG car park
>CLICK HERE FOR MAP> ( (The services are where the big red circle is)
I plan to be there from 8am, so look out for a little yellow beat with a leopard inside!!! hee hee!!!
If anybody wants my mobile number in case they are running late (proved useful for the photoshoot hee hee) or have any problems then please send me a private message and I will reply back with my number (I dont really want to post it on a public forum for everyone to see)
List so far I believe:
Steve Barnes S800 + Beat
Major Tom
Adrian P
10-03-2006, 06:59 PM
Might have to miss this after all... :suicide:
Driving the beat home from work the other night and I was thinking... this sound a bit different....:confused:
Get home and look, my nice shiney exhaust has decided to almost part company from the main pipe...:explode:
I suppose it's my own fault for not paying the extra and getting a full stainless one when I got it (needed it fairly quickly and couldn't afford the extra...)
I popped into the exhaust place up the road from where I work (in the FTO) and they said they couldn't re-use the back box because it would be a mild steel back plate not stainless so they couldn't weld to it but I've checked it with a magnet and it does seem stainless after all...
Hopefully next week I can see about getting it done (if I can afford it this month...) as long as they can re-use the back box then it should be pretty cheap...
10-03-2006, 11:06 PM
Ah bums! Sorry to hear that Adrian. Hope you can get it fixed soon... i'm leaving your name on the list in the hope you can make it ;)
10-03-2006, 11:18 PM
Yes. Two please.
But I do not think I could join the convoy at 8:30 there,,, :(
Can I see you at Gaydon 10:30?
10-03-2006, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Mitsuo
Can I see you at Gaydon 10:30?
You most certainly can, I will not hold it against anyone if they do not wish to follow me.
It was an offer to anyone from my way or further North who would like to follow me down.
I won't be offended if anyone wants to make their own way there and meet us there.
Sammy has asked me to ask you all if we can all park together please. So if you get there before everyone else please park with the Honda Revolutions people in a space big enough for the rest of us.
And everyone please park next to the first person there :)
Many thanks
15-03-2006, 03:01 AM
Right for those going straight to Gaydon here's a map for you ;)
>Click here< (
Website for Gaydon Museum is >HERE< (
15-03-2006, 10:56 PM
SORRY i cant come. my little beat's going in for a well over due service and that's the only weekend they can fit her in.
Gutted, i was looking forward to meeting more beaties
16-03-2006, 01:24 PM
:( Sorry to hear that julia, would have been lovely to see you and your funky beat again
17-03-2006, 10:35 PM
I reckon I will probably make it this time.
Not sure if I will be 1 or we will be 2.
I'd like to join you all on the tour.
I will skip the convoy, as my bed is too appealing.
18-03-2006, 12:35 AM
Would be great to meet you Bruce.
I will ask if we can have 2 more places on the tour, ;)
Two more places have been reserved on the museum tour ;)
Hopefully those attending should be:
Steve Barnes S800 + Beat
Major Tom
Adrian P (hopefully ;) )
Wh1teLeopard x2
Mitsuo x2
AliA x2
Bruce x2
Please correct me if anything is wrong
21-03-2006, 05:45 PM
Hi there,
Just a thought but if there's anyone coming from Cambridge or nearby then we could convoy to Gaydon which means I wouldn't get lost. :)
We could meet somewhere and go together but I don't know how many of us lives around Cambridge apart from Mitsuo.
21-03-2006, 08:52 PM
Hi Emm,
I'm going to have to pull out of this...:rolleyes:
Can't afford to get the exhaust done till next month and it's so bad, I won't even drive it to work at the moment...:eek:
Looks like the car will be up for sale again in a few months (Don't use it as much as I should so can't really justify 2 cars at the moment) so we'll have to have another get together before then...
21-03-2006, 10:50 PM
:( Such a shame you can't come.
23-03-2006, 03:48 PM
Hi there,
I thought I remind you all that on Sunday at 02:00 AM we're going one hour ahead (DST). So don't forget to adjust your clocks !
Last we almost missed our plane because of this :)
Looks like we are set for a bit of rain on Sunday :mad: . Bugger.
Wh1teLeopard - we still ok to meet at Tamworth Services on Sun morning?
25-03-2006, 01:20 AM
Indeed, I will be there from about 8.15am onwards ;)
25-03-2006, 04:01 PM
Just to let you all know the tour is now fully booked
Good stuff.
See you in the morning, and don't forget the clocks go forwards.
25-03-2006, 08:40 PM
Have fun you lot...
And I want to see LOTS of photos showing me what I missed...:mad:
26-03-2006, 12:05 AM
And I want to see LOTS of photos showing me what I missed...
Me too :(
Agreed the sale this morning.
26-03-2006, 12:21 AM
Got your txt message tinytim. Sorry to hear you aren't coming (although you are still welcome to attend, Honda or no Honda) but you must be glad you found a buyer.
Hope it all goes well for you ;)
And as has been kindly pointed out for the rest of us... clocks go FORWARD an hour so no excuses for being late hee hee!
See the rest of you there ;)
26-03-2006, 04:23 AM
Hi every one sorry but cant turn up Lnch at mothers and tea with mother in law.
I had no choice this time.
BUT will be thinking of you all.X
Nice to meet you all and have a chat about our wonderful cars :D Was a good turn out with 8 Beats turning up:
Pic (
pic (
I will post more pics when I get chance iincluding the supercharged NSX.:eek:
Ali and Dee
john s
26-03-2006, 09:04 PM
Glad you all had a great time. It looks as tho' at least it didn't rain, for a change! Great pics.
Would have loved to have been there but busy trying to sell the car before I go home.
27-03-2006, 12:12 AM
Massive thank you to everyone who made it :D
Hope you all had as much fun as me.
Great to meet some new people too. :D
27-03-2006, 11:02 AM
Hi all,
Yup it was absolutely fantastic to meet a bunch of other Beats. Also those NSXs were nice (particularly the comptech one :).
We were a bit on the quiet side but when you're new somewhere then it happens. :) Also I was quite tired Yesterday but I know that's not a good excuse. Anyway thanks to all!
We couldn't say good bye as you were all missing when we left (except for Mitsuo and Richard).
Niki made some pictures I'll post it later ...
Tom (
The beast :) ( ( (
27-03-2006, 09:20 PM
It was nice to actually meet and speak to some fellow Beat owners.
Sorry we had to go soon after arriving,driving on the A roads takes for ever,we only arrived home at 6p.m.
Next time we will set aside more time and definitely bring an S800.
I hope we didn't appear ignorant by going so quickly,it was just a LONG drive home and we had things to do in the evening.
See you again soon, hopefully.
Steve and Flo.
27-03-2006, 10:30 PM
That's ok steve, was a shame that you couldn't stay longer. Hope you got home ok though :)
Here are our pics:
clicky here for the meet pics (
clicky here for museum pics (
All the beats :D
27-03-2006, 10:48 PM
Once again i missed out :( are there any other meets planned?
28-03-2006, 11:55 AM
Arrghhhh - I posted a long message - but it got lost as a message came up saying too many images (smilies) and no way to retrieve the message :(
Can't be bothered to post it all again but the short version was.
Thx for coming. Great seeing the Beats. Great meeting lots of nice people and having interesting chats. Sos if I seemed vacant or blonde moments ;) - I was frazzelled after 4 consequtive nights with mates drinking wine, so really wasn't 100%
Hope you enjoyed and will come along to future meets perhaps.
28-03-2006, 12:38 PM
Hiya to all who made the journey to Gaydon on sunday.An excellent day had and to see so many Beats in one place.
Again like Steve said, it was nice to actually meet and speak to some fellow Beat owners.
Count me in for future beat meets. Ltr .
28-03-2006, 06:33 PM
Glad to hear it :D
Found a picture of yours Ali on the HR website.
oooh thanks for sharing WL, looking good :D
For all those people talking of coming to another meet I will be taking the beat to JAE in the summer 22/23 July at East of England Showground, Peterborough - for more info.
I will be going with a civic forum but taking the beat as well, but if there is enough interest then it might be worthwhile making this an official event and maybe trying to get a small pitch or we could just tag onto the plot that the civic forum get (although I would have to run it by them) or even maybe tag onto the HR plot. dunno really. :)
If interested then maybe post in the thread I made a while ago and we could maybe take it from there.
30-03-2006, 12:57 AM
Here are my images. Hope they're not too big, but should look OK if printed. If only I had a printer.
Picture was a bit big Bruce, So I've shrunk it for you.
30-03-2006, 01:12 AM
Oops. They are pretty big.
Here is why I was late in arriving:
30-03-2006, 01:40 AM
And this is why I was the last to leave the museum, to find my Beat completely alone:
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