View Full Version : exhaust
27-01-2006, 03:25 PM
Hi - my little beat is in for a service at the moment and after year sof being patched up, it needs a new exhaust. I can get one from Honda at £450 but that seems expensive and will probably be very run of the mill.
Does anyone know where i can get one? I'm in Surrey
27-01-2006, 05:04 PM
>CLICK HERE< (;jsessionid=eLRiiAPC0QY-?searchType=classic&ooa=on&keywords=exhaust&companyName=&location=Surrey&x=0&y=0)
Try giving some of those companies ^ a ring see if they can make you an exhaust. I had mine made up but it did cost £300. So you might not save a lot of money but at least you can have what you want.
27-01-2006, 05:12 PM
Hi - thanks for the really helpful reply! I don't mind paying the same price if i get what i want - rather that than end up with some boring old thing!
Paul w
28-01-2006, 06:00 PM
Depends what part has gone really, if its just the back box, i used to have a quad legals (search this forum for it for pics...)
done it for you .....
There is a pic of it, i think it cost me about £350-400 to buy and import.
Looks and sounds great
30-01-2006, 11:04 AM
Hi - thanks for the reply. Unfortunatley it's the whole exhaust - I've been patching it up for years!!
I've been told that i could have one made but I'm having problems finding somewhere to get it made!!:)
30-01-2006, 06:29 PM
Hi Nikki
On the Beat, the back box is pretty much the whole exhaust (from the cat back) so the one Paul suggested (and any other Beat back box) would do what you want as long as the system is sound from the engine to the cat.
30-01-2006, 06:53 PM
As far as I see it's a Header-Cat-Back box ... Thanks to being mid-engined ;)
No nasty pipes and mufflers in the middle, etc. :)
30-01-2006, 06:55 PM
Hi _ i'll check with the garage whether the bit from the engine to the cat is sound. If not, any suggestions?
Also - the name is FGK Legalis but do you knw where in Japan was it ordered from? Sorry it maybe on there but i haven't seen it!!
Looks more like the sort of thing I'm after!!!
31-01-2006, 01:30 AM
Hi Nikki,have you found your zorst system yet?
Like you i'm gonna have to change mine soon and reckon i'll go for the powerflow system 500.Hopefully you can see an example
in the piccy below.
I,m in Guildford,Surrey and have found RSR tyres+wheels in Redhill who fit Powerflow systems.Tel:01737 772243.
If you do decide to go ahead with them, be careful as i havnt seen
there qaulity of work personally.
Keep us informed whatever you decide
regards Lee.
john m
31-01-2006, 09:33 AM
I have one of those powerflow exhausts and it looks and sounds great, the people that fit mine have one pipe slightly lower than the other. I think it must be a problem with the rubber supports rather than anything else as the quality of the exhaust itself was faultless. The exhaust, when combined with a HKS Air Filter, frees up a little more top end power but only a little, the best thing is the sound of the induction with high revs and the burble at idle from the exhaust. The exhaust itself is not a huge amount louder than the original under most conditions, the exception being again at high revs and a nicer sound at idle.
31-01-2006, 12:04 PM
Hi Lee
thanks for telephone nos for the redhill place. My garage is going to give them a call to see if they can help with suppliers, so I'll let you know. The garage i use is in F/bro called Cody cars and they've done a lot of work on mine - all of which i can't fault. Really nice guys to deal with aswell.
Another type of exhaust was mentioned - a FGK legalis quad from - apprently you can get them from Japan. But i tried google yesterday with no luck!
I think I've see you in Guildford once before, you were driving near Farnham road and i was coming the other way, so stopped for a chat- but let me know if it wasn't you!
Where's yours parked? I have a nightmare with the pernits (little beat has been beaten up a few times by drunks!) but i keept it somewhere safe now!
31-01-2006, 05:03 PM
I had a FGK Legalis on my second beat and a powerflow on my first beat. Bit of a tough choice here because they both had good and bad points - good point of the Poweflow exhaust was the noise - absolutely perfect for the beat - throaty at low revs and like a motorbike at high revs. Bad point of the powerflow was the look, it just wasn't great.
Good points of the FGK legalis - one of the best looking exhausts available for the beat without question. Bad point of the FGK is the fact that is not much louder than the stock honda exhuast.
Hope this helps, If you can find it the very best looking at souding exhaust was shown on here a few years back, I believe its called a TR660.
Hope this helps
31-01-2006, 05:15 PM
:D Thanks for the info Robin!
At the moment I'm struggling to find any exhausts, so i don't think i'll have the luxury of choosing! I have tried looking to buy/import one, or have one made, but no luck.
I was given a tel nos for a garage in Redhill but other than that, unless i can get a tel nos or web address for who sells these things, i'll be stuck with a boring bog standard horrible thing from Honda - for £500 just to get it through the MOT!!
31-01-2006, 06:00 PM
Try this website -
they import parts from japan - If you go to the parts for sale section, then look under new parts, then under Mugen you will see this page
click on it and you can get J-garage to order this for you. Steve-M had this and its a beauty
Paul w
31-01-2006, 10:20 PM
also, check on this part of the forum that you have selected 'from the beggining' when displaying the forum (click on the first >Exhaust > exhaust in the white space at the top of this page to get back, then change the 30 days to 'from the beginning' to see all the exhaust posts.)
02-02-2006, 02:32 PM
Nikki, glad to hear your little Beat is safe now.How are you getting on with your replacement zorst?
Twas not me in farnham road by the way.
24-02-2006, 04:35 PM
Hi - sorry it's taken so long to het back to you but i was waiting until the exhaust was fitted. The redhill place was fine, exhaust looks good and very reasonable price.
It's going in for its MOT soon aswell, but hopefully it'll pass with no probs.
Is your Beat yellow. i've seen another yellow one going round the Friary centre r/b a while ago. i beeped the horn as i was coming round round behind you. Everyone else must've thought they were seeing double. If you're is the yellow one, i apologise for everyone that's waved at you thinking it was me - including my boyfriend!!
26-02-2006, 06:42 PM
Hi Nikki,
The Redhill place made your new zorst system ok then.Had they made a Beat system before or was yours the 1st and could you tell me how much ?
Sorry about all the questions but my MOT is tommorow and reckon if thers gonna be a fail it will be on the zorst system.
Twas not me at the friary r/b as my Beat is red.I've still yet to see
another Beat on the road apart from mine, athough when i do i will have to give em a wave,it would be rude not to.
regards Lee.
27-02-2006, 11:09 AM
well they said they hadn't seen one before, but they seemed to cope ok with it! Exhaust was £350 including fitting, so not bad considering Honda were quoting £500 plus fitting.
Good luck with the MOT, I've got mine in March. I've got a goo dgarage that i use in farnborough, so if anything's wrong I'm sure they'll find it!
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