View Full Version : radio transmitter

20-01-2006, 09:02 PM
looking for a radio transmitter that changes the freqence
to a more europe type of freqence.
i'm living in holland and read that the are for sale in england.
does any one have an internet site where i can buy one .
or is willing to supply me one

20-01-2006, 11:37 PM
Do a Google uk search, they are called band expanders
Here's one

and here's one on ebay for international postage

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RADIO-BAND-EXPANDER-IMPORTS-NISSAN-FIGARO-BIGHORN-HILUX_W0QQitemZ4604387521QQcategoryZ10400QQrdZ1QQc mdZViewItem
I can't speak for the quality of either, I gave up on the skysound and fitted a regular stereo head