View Full Version : Interesting fact

02-01-2006, 08:31 PM
Ever wondered why the MGF looks a lot like the Beat. Here is a an article I found about the Beat and there was some interesting facts at the bottom.

"Some Facts on the Beat

* The Beat became the last car to be rubberstamped by Soichiro Honda before he passed away in 1991.

* The design of the car were originated from Pininfarina, who then sold the design plan to Honda and then in turn sold it on MG Rover who then used it to build the MGF"

02-01-2006, 11:44 PM
I keep telling all the hairdressers that mine came from the original mould and their's are just copies.
I didn't know it was Pininfarina though. Add £500 to the price of mine:D

02-01-2006, 11:52 PM
That explains why the Pininfarina badges always come up when I search Yahoo for Beat parts, I lovely little piece of trivia there Adam, thanks for that one.
