View Full Version : Project A chips End of Production

19-12-2005, 01:58 AM
Just received a mail from Akiyama San.... looks like the production of the Project A chip has stopped. He has maybe some in stock at home, and will be confirming how many soon. So, if anyone was thinking of getting one one day, looks like that day is today!! I have one back order that will be filled first, but then its a first come first served when I have the final numbers I can get off him. Just to refresh your memories, the chip is 15750 yen in your hands, can't be fitted to VerZ (not tested is all), installation instructions are available from Paul W etc...



Paul w
19-12-2005, 09:43 AM
is there any copywrite asscociated with the code Oz?


30-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Steve Barnes here, I still want 2 sets as discussed last month,I have only just set up paypal account,will send money today.
Many thanks.
Please can you let me have your e-mail address again in case I can't find it.

30-12-2005, 11:25 PM

Sorry mate there are no more chips to be had, I got the last one last week.. I will send you money back unless you want to get anything else, please drop me a mail at ozsamurai@hotmail.com please. I don't know why he stopped making them, but I believe the Initial D chip crew had a say in it....



02-01-2006, 01:50 AM
If its of any interest to anyone Emerald Developments (www.emeraldm3d.com) do a fully mappable aftermarket ECU which can be set up using a PC and rolling road.

Paul w
02-01-2006, 10:47 AM
what sort of money are we talking lawrence?

02-01-2006, 08:16 PM
easily a few hundred punds. If you are looking at emerald you will want to consider DTA, OMEX and KMS. But each system starts at around £500 new. Or if you are confident a megasquirt ecu is a good bet

02-01-2006, 11:41 PM
Not that is makes any difference now but

can't be fitted to VerZ (not tested is all)
Yes it can:D

13-01-2006, 11:16 PM
I've not tried aftermarket Ecu but I understand Emerald kit is around £550 +VAT. Rolling road time for mapping could be another £200 or so. You may also have to replace some of the senders if it won't talk to them. Megasquirt can be much cheaper if you buy it in kit form. This is really for those thinking of other mods or possibly in need of a replacement Ecu. If anyone tries it please fill us in on the results.