View Full Version : thinking ahead for a change

15-11-2005, 10:35 AM
Sorted my engine management light since fitting new fuel pump relay

but while looking for dodgy looking things discovered dizzy cap and rotor arm look on way out.

Dizzy cap especially the metal seems to be turning into powder

How available are these two parts? and are they any equivilent parts off other Hondas, etc?

Just trying to second guess whats likely to break on my car next

Any help / info much appreciated

Paul w
15-11-2005, 05:53 PM
Problem with the Dizzy is that its for a 3 cylinder car, so there are unlikely to be equivilants used on other hondas (apart from the few that use the same engine)

Have you checked your dizzy serial number to see if you are in the dodgy batch? If so, some people on here have had success in getting honda to buy them a new one as its part of a product recall.

check out this link for dizzy stuff


Hope this helps


16-11-2005, 04:38 PM
Your right to sort these things out before they brake. This way the repairs are on your time.

Like Paul said check the dizzy then you might want to have a look at your timing belt. While your there check the rollers and water pump. Unless you all ready have.

After that I can't really think of anything else.

17-11-2005, 08:45 AM

The dizzy was changed at Honda when it was first brought to Britain by previous owner Think he paid for it If I rember right

My timing belt, rollers and water pump have already been changed while I have owned it

The car runs fine but now having seen the dizzy cap it plays on your mind

I might give Stuart Graham Honda a ring they are quite helpful

Paul w
17-11-2005, 09:01 PM
Stuart graham are gods among men in my opinion!

i've bought almost every honda i've owned off them (and thats quite a few)

Plus they did all the mechanicals for my beat to get it back on the road after years of neglect (not by me!!)

Geoff the service manager is a star too!


18-11-2005, 07:22 PM
Can they get me a windscreen:help:
7 months now,,,,, I think I need some devine intervention if my Beat is ever going to get back on the road:(