View Full Version : HT Leads??
30-12-2002, 10:47 PM
HI All!
I noticed something a bit wired on my beat earlier while I was adjusting the timing.. the distributor cap is marked numbers 1-3. the number one on the dizzy is connected to the number two cylinder and number two on the dizzy is connected to number 3 cylinder?! When i put then the right way i.e number one to cylinder one etc the car doesn’t start! The cars running fine like it is and even better now that the timings right, just thought it was strange. I compared it to Adams beat and his leads are in order so it looks to be just mine :confused: oh well its not broke so I dont think ill try and fix it!!!
John :rolleyes:
30-12-2002, 11:26 PM
It sounds as if your cap has been put onto the distributor in the wrong position. where is the out let for the coil lead pointing???
seeing there are only 3 fixing screws, i assume you could put the cap back on the wrong way round but obviouly have to put the leads on in the same relative position.
i will have a look at my spare distributors and see what is possible tomorrow
30-12-2002, 11:43 PM
Thats the strange thing Steve as far as I could see the cap will only go on one way because of its design and im nearly sure its mounted the same way as Adams :confused: ill see if I can get a lend of a digital camera to take a pic!
01-01-2003, 04:56 PM
Hi John
I had fun when I did the dizy on mine,
I got the leads round the wrong way also, the thing is, even though I only had 1 in the right place, with the throttle held slightly open, it still ran on 1 cylinder.
OK so it was very lumpy but it still ran...:confused:
As for yours, I tend to agree with Steve that it sounds like the cap has been put on 120deg out. Where does the coil lead connection point to?? thats the easy way to tell.
10-01-2003, 12:05 AM
Heres the two pics of the dizzys.
As you can see mine and adams beat have the distrubuter caps on the same way but the HT leads are connected to different cylinders.... both beats are running perfectly :confused:
Heres my beat:
10-01-2003, 07:27 AM
I'm going to have a guess at this one now.....
I would guess that when one of the timing belts was changed, (or engines re-built???) that the car was timed using different cylinders @ TDC
I would say that one used Cyl 1 and the other Cyl 3.
Then again, I could be totally wrong...(Steve???)
11-01-2003, 07:59 PM
It would just be that the distributor has been put in lined up to the wrong cylinder on JohnD car. and to correct this that is why the leads are on the cap in the incorrect places. But that would make it run correctly.
It would be easly corrected, by removing the distributor and realigning and then swapping the leads to their correct places.
Both the Crank sensor and TDC sensors in the distributor dont have cylinder specific positions, thats just the Cyl sensor that say which is No.1. Obviously the firing order is still the same so with the leads in the correct places the distributor would have to be turned by 120 degrees to make it run correctly.
12-01-2003, 02:57 AM
Thats make sense, couldnt get my head around how that could have happened, but now i can see whats happened. ill prob sort things out when i get around to fitting my nice new performance HT leads :)
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