View Full Version : 6ft beat?

02-10-2005, 02:56 PM
..this may sound stoopid, and yes i have seen beat on the road, but i wanna know......is the beat a wee car for wee people or will bigger 6ft drivers fit in. i love hondas and am thinking bout an insight, but am also lookin at a smart roadster/honda beat for my mrs....i may have to drive this car now and again, and i'm a BIG 6ft...will this be uncomfortable OR impossible...i can drive the smart no problems, we currently own and drive a daihatsu move and have owned crx and civics etc..in the past. if the beat is too wee, are there any of the k cars, ie cappucino etc..that will accomodate bigger drivers?...apologies if this seems daft, but ya gota know eh...and the sheer incongrousness of big driver in tiny car is always good fo a giggle!!

02-10-2005, 03:23 PM
I have seen a really really big man(tall and wide), driving a beat before without much problems. Same story with a Cappo.

02-10-2005, 03:56 PM
Hi My hubby is 6ft 1", and he drive mine, the only thing for him is his knees are a bit to close to the steering wheel for his liking, as he normally drives a pug 407 (which is a little bigger than a beat) but he has no problems driving it. I don’t know where you are, but I would happily let you come and have a sit in mine so you can see what there are like

03-10-2005, 12:45 PM
I am exactly 6 feet tall, and it is *perfect* for me with the roof down. With the roof up, if I lean my head into corners, a bump can occasionally knock the side of my head onto the metal roof rails. But I know this now, so don't lean my head so much.

But if you are 6 foot 2 or more, if might be a very different matter.


03-10-2005, 01:22 PM
I know my friend who is 6'5" cannot fit in my beat, he couldn't shut the door, his knees were up the top of the steering wheel!!!

But my 6ft boyfriend can drive it around when I let him!!!

Where abouts do you live? Maybe there is someone near by who could let you have a go... see if you find it comfortable.

03-10-2005, 09:31 PM
Note that a tall (5' 11"+) passenger will be more susceptible to this rood/head banging problem than the driver, mainly due to the Beat's unique longditudinally asymmetric design causing them to sit closer to the door than the driver. (Incidentally, the tranmission tunnel is also offset to the left of the car by a few inches)


Paul w
03-10-2005, 09:52 PM
its not the overall height thats an issue

its more to do with the length from hip to foot (too long and your knees are fouling the steering wheel) and torso length (this is why you will hit your head)

I'd have to say the easy solution is to try one!


04-10-2005, 07:26 AM
Hi all,

here is the update from Germany
i am 6.6 feet tall.
Legs are 4 feet long.
i change steringweel (little Momo 30cm in the diameter)
Yes watch your head because of the linkage.

But i LOVE IT.


04-10-2005, 09:49 AM
I am 6'05 and have had the Beat for a few years now. I have no problems once I'm in but initially found it testing getting in and out.

Having said that, once you have found a good 'mount' and 'dismount' (for want of a better word), you will have no problems.

I agree though, if you have any doubt, test one out - and then get one anyway.

04-10-2005, 10:12 AM
Need Proof??

Just found this......

Clearly illustrating that there are no side effects from sustained periods of time driving a Beat:

04-10-2005, 01:08 PM
..hey thanks all!!...i will endeavour to try to wedge my lardy ass into one as soon as possible to give it a try.

04-10-2005, 05:43 PM
I once saw a pic of Geoff Capes in a moggy 1000 convertible with John Noaks driving it, Capes' head was a good foot over the hieght of the windscreen and Noakes was crushed against his door, if you find a beat close by to try and you look anything like that can you post a photo please?


04-10-2005, 06:01 PM
Jeremy Clarkson is a pretty big fella and he test drove the Beat. If I remember correctly he described it as snug rather than cramped. That being said I think he had the roof down the whole time.