View Full Version : DIY turbo nuaghty or plain stupid

21-09-2005, 12:09 PM
Well Ive worked out some cost of what it would cost and it is not as bad as people may think. Just wondering do you think I should actually do it

21-09-2005, 12:46 PM
I can't see the harm in trying as long as you don't blow your beat up! lol

21-09-2005, 01:12 PM
oh dont worry I have a back upplan if the engine goes but I dont see how it can, I somehow managed to hit 8.5k yesterday and it didnt make any bad noises lol

21-09-2005, 02:43 PM
8.5k? bah! I got to 10 once by accident... lost my tailpipe doing it though d'oh! But did prompt me to replace the rusty exhaust system completely...

you know what, I feel really sorry for my beat now...

Paul w
22-09-2005, 08:19 AM
10k pah!

done 10500 while testing new chip!

looked down, saw the rev counter and crapped myself (not literally!)


22-09-2005, 01:23 PM
Hee hee! Didn't know you could go past the 10k mark!

Maybe we need a hall of shame for beat abuse hee hee

22-09-2005, 02:27 PM
lol I havent really opened here up properly yet. But hey she is nice and fun. Even given my Beat a Japanese Girls name lol

23-09-2005, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Wh1teLeopard

Maybe we need a hall of shame for beat abuse hee hee

I can prob take one of the prizes for that, Had in the region of 13,000 RPM when I miss shifted at Castle Combe, Some may remember. 3rd gear to 9000 rpm and shift to 2nd !!!!

The exhaust valves were a little worse for wear, but it was still running and I did another couple of laps before coming back to paddock to find a rather lumpy idle.

03-10-2005, 01:56 PM
Sorry I am not syaing I ever hit the high notes like you guys yet, but can remember poor Steve at castle Combe when he lunched his engine, Steve is 10,000 rpm safe or do you think the rev limiter is there for a purpose???


03-10-2005, 03:01 PM
The rev limiter is there for a reason, I think its the exhaust valve springs that can't take the high revs. valve bounce occurs and the hit the pistons.


03-10-2005, 09:10 PM
tuning a high rev engine is often very difficult and tricky, as the engine rev high, the amount of time between piston is a TDC and BTDC is getting shorter and shorter, which means time allow for fuel to burn is getting shorter and would often find it air and fuel goes straight into the chamber and and flame goes straight out of the exhaust valve, which is why the exhaust valve will always suffer the most, valve steam seals ......

the other problem u will occurs at a very high rev engine is piston thermo expansion ! which would result really badly if that happens,

imo although we all love these honda engine to be revvy, but to have an engine that rev high to produce a certain amount of power where if u can make the engine to produce the same amount of power at a lower rev that would be more efficient as this means there is less work on the engine to produce the same amount of power.

i have looked into building a turbo on a beat before, the basic turbo is not that expensive, and u could often find some ready made kit from japan. manifold and downpipe can be custom fabricated, turbo u can pick some OE secondhand ones from ie impreza for very low cost. but intercooler, oil feed, and a good PVC system does need to look into. then management system to have it running safely plus dyno time. that would be the cost of the engine setup on its own, clutch, brakes make need upgrade as well. so things does starting to add up a bit, and if you wish to do a turbo i would say u need to do it properly. there is not such thing as a bolt on turbo imo.
