View Full Version : fuel economy

14-09-2005, 04:11 AM
can how many miles they usually get to a full tank of petrol? also how big is the fuel tank on a beat?

15-09-2005, 06:02 PM
just realised the beats clocks are in km so i'll rephrase the question
how many km do you get to a full tank or petrol? and how big is the tank?
i'll work the rest out myself:)

15-09-2005, 08:54 PM
i think adrian worked this out for me. But full tank a while back £15 I managed to go from oswestry, shropshire to Spilsby near Skegness and back on one tank

18-09-2005, 02:01 AM
The Beat's fuel tank capacity is officially 24 litres.
Does anyone know of any cars with smaller tanks?

I *think* that the tank is offset to the right hand side, with the engine slightly to the left hand side. Can anyone confirm this? I wondered if this was so as to help the left-right weight distribution stay relatively well balanced with either situation of (a) no passenger + little fuel or (b) 1 passenger + full fuel tank. If so, nice job Honda (again).

My lack of willpower to go on a proper economy run has kept my mileage a bit below 40mpg - I just can't help listening to *that* sound. But I do somehow reckon 50mpg is achievable - some have claimed this on the forum I think.

The rule of thumb that cars run most efficiently at 55mph is unlikely to apply here, due to the Beat's crazily short gear ratios. And the fact that it looks so irresistably good with the roof down, which is always an aerodynamic disaster. So maybe the Beat's optimal speed is between 40 and 45mph? What does everyone think?


18-09-2005, 02:10 AM
Well from the driving Ive done in the beat. Oswestry to Spilsby and back is 328 miles. I managed to get lost on the way and do extra miles. I did from memory 372miles that day on a full tank which at the time cost £15. This was at normal speed limit 60-70mph on motorways and duals / backroads etc. Occasional 100mph+ blast

18-09-2005, 12:02 PM
when i first got the beat i filled her up and it only cost £15, and i was using it every day around town.

i got about 212 miles give or take a few

18-09-2005, 06:47 PM
well thats still loads more than my corsa gets. i get around 300 miles to the tank and its a 45 liter tank.
i'm getting more and more tempted to buy a beat. i just have to wait another 6 months.

18-09-2005, 10:10 PM
Hi I get 180 km to a full tank. but I do drive fast.(sort of)

19-09-2005, 12:47 PM
Are we all getting our km and miles mixed up? How can one of us only get 180 miles, and the other 372??? And 100mph+??? Even with a chip to remove the 87mph limiter, surely the revs in top gear are getting a bit high above 100mph? Must be at 8500rpm at least.

As I said, I get a bit below 40mpg, so that is about 295km = 183miles on a tank. I think that's your answer.

19-09-2005, 02:01 PM
I get about 40 something MPG on mine, im driving the cappo at the mo.... 50+ MPG! but thats taking it very handy:(

19-09-2005, 08:53 PM
372 miles yes. I used Optimax plus Octance Booster so that may have done something

19-09-2005, 11:37 PM
I get about 30mpg doing a 2-3 mile run to the office on optrimex

not bad on a cold engine


Paul w
20-09-2005, 05:15 PM
Anyone thought of going LPG?

(tank in the front would keep you driving sensibly...)


20-09-2005, 10:38 PM
With regard to the wide variation in consumption figures I can remember driving a 583cc NSU back in the 70's which would do less than 30 mpg or more than 50 mpg depending on the weight of my right boot.

20-09-2005, 11:47 PM
LPG Paul ?....

sacralige ...another Beat engine where the spare wheel goes be the way to go 4wd.



21-09-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Leachyboy
sacralige ...another Beat engine where the spare wheel goes be the way to go 4wd

I sugested that to Jurek once and noticed how his little eyes lit up... hee hee.

22-09-2005, 09:58 PM
What I desperately want is a hybrid mid-engined sportscar with a small petrol engine in the back driving the rear, an electric motor or two in the front driving the front wheels, a continuously variable transmission gearbox, and some NiMH batteries lining the (now empty) tranmission tunnel (which is still needed for chassis rigidity).

Perfectly balanced distribution of mass and power, crazily low centre of gravity thanks to the batteries. Instant torque from the electic motor. Honestly, I think it would handle amazingly. Certainly a damn sight better than having engine, motor and batteries up front...

I'm not a fan of MG at all, but they actually made a concept hybrid electric sportscar, and the videos of it driftng were very impressive. I'm reckoning that Toyota might be the first to market - the MR2 is on its way out, and there's no word yet of a replacement quite yet. Would be great if Honda did it, but they got stung pretty harshly with the risky Insight.

So in the mean time, can anyone mod my Beat to do all that? ;>

Sorry Jennifer, I still just can't believe 370 miles on a tank - you did divide the number on the mileometer by 1.6, right? If you are right, then plenty of us have slightly fried ECUs, and are running too rich as a result. Another thread mentioned this last week.

I run Optimax too. I doubt it needs additional Octane Booster though. My Civic's manual was incredibly scathing of fuel additives, and I trust Honda's opinion when it comes to engines.


22-09-2005, 11:31 PM
I aint going to complain when I fill up at £15 reset the trip meter and drive until its int he red again and it shows 372, whether you have the patience yourself to or the skill to do economy driving its totally up to how you go about it.

Octane booster has helped it run a bit smoother not alot, but Optimax usually does me ok. I have done the Oswestry to Spilsby run a few more times now and know the way so I dont get lost on the way now.

There and back is usally 320miles, I dont usually go full power mad bull when on long diatnce hourneys I just take it easy and cruise at the limit, change up early etc etc. Try it, does wonders

23-09-2005, 07:13 AM
It's quite possible to get REALLY good MPG if you take it easy on long runs...

Several times I've had over 50mpg when I've driven over from Ipswich to JAE (Jap car show) when it was at Northampton...

And when we did the Charity event up at Derby, I got 47.5mpg so it's quite possible.

Even using the car to work and back (7 miles each way 50%urban 50% d/caridgeway) I still get approx 35 and I'm normally running late too... :o


23-09-2005, 12:44 PM
Yes, but what Jennifer is implying is the equivalent to about 73-85mpg. Which is why I don't believe her... The mileometer is not a mileometer. It is a kilometreometer...

What did you all think of my dream car concept? I guess if no-one makes it, I can save up 360,000 Euros and get a Venturi Fetish, which is a very fast all-electric sportscar. It only costs 1p per mile to run, so its an investment really...


23-09-2005, 02:36 PM
well unlike some Ive had the clocks converted so all in miles for me

23-09-2005, 06:06 PM
Yep, and as Jen said, we worked it out the other week and it came in close to 70MPG...

I'm sure if I didn't have such a heavy foot (and bad time keeping...:p ) that I'd get a few more out of mine than I do at the moment...
