View Full Version : Insurance + Bodykits

04-07-2005, 11:46 PM
HI guys i gotta say *much love 2 the beat* :D

Havin a few probs tho... i cant seem 2 get an insurance quote anywhere... would anybody be able 2 point me in directions of websites that do insure the beat ive tried, tesco.com confused.com esure.com but no luck!
I dunno if any of you guys would be so kind enough to help me... here are my details

18 Female Student Car to be kept in drive way None NCB This will be my 1st car (if i can get insurance quuote) but i have got a full driving license, 10,000 average mileage i want it fully comp... any other details could you make up or fill in 'as applicable' :p I'd be soooo grateful if some1 could help me out. Also where the hell do you get these lovely beat bodykits from... any1 ?

Thanks xxxxxxxxxxx

05-07-2005, 06:50 AM
Hi Candy,

Unfortunately, with what the car is (rare Jap import), none of the online places actually list it...:rolleyes:

It will be a case of sitting on the telephone and ringing around until you find a quote your happy with.

I'm with Privilege, I think Paul is/was with Tescos, and there are several other companies that list the beat on their databases and so should be able to quote you.

One thing I will say though is, I don't think it will be exactly cheap... (well it was only sold in Japan and it's a convertable...) Although being female and keeping it on the drive should help quite a bit.

If you do a quick search on here for Insurance, hopefully you will pull up a couple more names to ring.

Hope this helps
