View Full Version : Desperation....
04-07-2005, 12:51 AM
I am so desperate to go to a show and I keep missing them all!
I so wanted to go to paddock wood one but my emails didnt show me the replies i got on the thread so i just assumed noone was goin! grrrrr! got the day off work aswell...
Whens the next one in the south east?
I cant wait to get to one and show off my beatledge pride haha - it'd be my first show too hence the over excitement. :bounce:
Also, while im here...does anyone know of any banger and stock car racing in the south east (not that i want to enter, just watch!). I used to go to one in crayford but no longe see it advertised. I saw a poster on the pier in brighton about it but i dont know the area so wasnt sure how close it was. Does anyone know of any still surviving?
Laura xx
Paul w
04-07-2005, 06:46 PM
why not host your own meet?
Just an informal one at a pub or similar...
05-07-2005, 01:40 PM
Guess I could....I just love car shows and now I finally have a car to be proud of I wanna be part of one :D
Laura x
JAE is in 2 weeks time. I will be there for both days. Also do we have a stand this year?
11-07-2005, 11:44 PM
Is it on this year?....................lets have a convoy :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
12-07-2005, 12:44 AM
hehe! i so wanna go! peterborough tho...a bit far....argh the temptations! :(
anyone know how much it costs?
and any other details for that matter?
Laura x
12-07-2005, 07:07 AM
Hi Laura,
Peterborough isn't that, especially when you're having such fun driving the beat there...:D
More details can be found in this thread, HERE (
And at the moment, there are almost 70 car clubs booked with 2000 expected cars to look at whilst you're there...:bounce:
I've just found the Map for who is attending and where on the site they will be...
The official JAE site says it a 3 day event but the showground site only says it's a 2 day one...???
Hopefully I'll be there for at leased 1 of the days, probably the Sunday. (Depends on finances at the moment... :mad: )
So if you want to come to a meet, I'd try and get to this one...
Peterborough isn't really that far, even in the beat:D I live in Kent too and have been a lot further than Peterborough.
It'll be really cool if we can have a convoy like JGGIB said.
Last 2 JAE, I have to drive on my own, all my so call 'friends' left me behind onec on the motorway :rolleyes:
Hope they have more firework this year, especially the one that set off all the car alarms. Hundreds of car alarm going off at the same time is quite something :D
Really can't wait, hopefully Laura you can come as well.
13-07-2005, 12:29 AM
pehaps we can meet at a pub close to the showground and go from there?
13-07-2005, 01:52 AM
yeah hopefully!
I have work experience on fridays (9am till 1am lol) and work at 9am on sundays which is why it seems like itll be a bit of a long drive hehe. I'll overdose on the pro plus tho on sat morning and it might get me thru!
my b/f loves jap imports (hates me for gettin a beat hehe) so he might be up for it.
I can buy tickets on the door tho yeah? Don't wanna commit myself if my plans are gonna fall thru!
Laura x
13-07-2005, 02:03 AM
oh and would i be goin as part of the club or an individual? lol all the an excited little kid at the thought of possibly going haha.
how are the two distinguished? just the difference in entrance to the venue?
Laura x
We've got a club stand for 20 cars (See the map Ade posted - near the Type R guys). This means room for maybe 25 Beats (tiny, tiny car!). I hope to be ther reasonably early Saturday morning with the gazebo, club banner etc., but anyone arriving before me should just stake a claim on the stand. Since the club's already paid for the stand, there's nothing due except you'll have to pay at the gate for entrance to the Showground itself.
Look forward to seeing you there!
John :p
14-07-2005, 01:48 AM
oh brilliant,
well my b/f is v interested and I'm certainly up for it so hopefully ill be there!
Whats an advisable time to arrive?
Better start getting my beat ponsed up i guess!
Laura x
14-07-2005, 02:19 AM
Any space for a copen on Saturday like last year? Marcus something we can do. We are prepared to tolerate BIGGER cars provided they pretend to be Beats and the pilot is personable!
Look forward to seeing you Marcus. Are you coming Sat/Sun like last time? If so, we should spot a suitable overnight watering hole. :p
Laura - arrive at a time to suit you, since you've got a bit of a drive to get there. Earlier is better, but people seem to arrive at varying times. See you there.
14-07-2005, 07:16 PM
John coming the Saturday early. Unable to go both days.Will you be there before 10 am?
Marcus - I hope to be there before 10:00, all things being equal. See you there.
15-07-2005, 10:18 PM
Looks like I'll be there on the sunday...
The Beat's having some work done to the central locking on the sat...
I've only been waiting for abut 6 weeks for them to get the bits in so now they have I'm taking whatever date they've got to get it fixed...:rolleyes:
... I thought that was the ability to reach both door locks from the driver's seat!
Hope to see you Sunday, then.
18-07-2005, 08:59 PM
i will be up there sunday if i can sqeeze in.....
25-07-2005, 08:13 AM
Hi All,
Nice to see a few of you at JAE on sunday, just a shame that the weather spoilt it in the afternoon.
Typically, I didn't take my camera with me when I had my first quick look around and then it rained so I didn't manage to get many pictures of the cars at the show...:rolleyes:
We did have the nice surprise of having Oz's old car turn up so that we could look at it, looks good Oz...
25-07-2005, 08:14 AM
25-07-2005, 08:15 AM
25-07-2005, 08:17 AM
I hope it has a good home now! Looks good though doesn't it!!
25-07-2005, 08:25 AM
Hi Oz,
Yep, he seemed pleased with it so hopefully it will be looked after.
25-07-2005, 08:29 AM
And finally, one with some of the others who turned up...
There was 5 of us but for some reason (other than the weather) I didn't get a proper group shot...:suicide:
Bugger. I wanted to come and say hello. But the weather was dreadful so we went home. :(
I was with the RX7 at the Mazda Rotary Club stand.
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