View Full Version : **stand At Japshow 2005**

26-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Details here:


I have arranged a club stand for 5 cars for the weekend there. I will be there all weekend, and anyone else (up to 4 other cars) are more than welcome to join me.

I did try and ask first, but no-one seemed interested, so i've just booked it anyway... all you need to do it turn up on the day (either saturday or sunday) if you want to come and say you're with 'the uk honda beat club' and they will direct you to our stand!

Gate: Saturday £10, Sunday £15, Weekend £20
Advance*: Saturday N/A, Sunday £12, Weekend £15

Do we have a banner for the club? If so can I borrow it please?

Please come and represent the club if can, I did go to a lot of trouble to sort this out, as nothing seemed to be happening.

Hope i haven't stood on anyone's toes over this, but I just want to represent the club at the shows I go to.

26-05-2005, 06:09 PM
put me down for a place sunday.are you going to run yours?

26-05-2005, 06:40 PM
Might do, I usually do... Depends if someone else wants to bring their beat out to play too hee hee ;)

26-05-2005, 08:04 PM
Hi - the problem will always be the fact that there are more events than days to hold them, so they often clash. Roger put together a range of events detailed in the other club thread and had already picked up on the Heartbeat Run on the 19th.

Of course, the idea is that anyone can propose any event they find and it's open to people to pick where they want to go. It's not a competition and sometimes there's an overlap.

Roger included the Heartbeat Run because it's a drive, which makes a change from a static display. However, sounds like you might also be zipping down the speedway at the Pod - careful you don't burn your clutch!

Have a great day and look forward to seeing you at the JAE in July.


26-05-2005, 09:35 PM
Like i said i dont want to tred on anyone's toes... was just trying to get people motivated to get out and about in the club's name...

the way i feel right now i'd rather just curl up into a ball and disappear... was just tryin to help :(

26-05-2005, 10:12 PM
Hey ... absolutely no criticism intended. Just happy that you're finding events and doing things. We're not precious about this stuff. Enjoy!

27-05-2005, 06:17 AM
Hi Emm,

As John said, don't worry about it... there are more events than weekends every year and they just have to pick one that they think is suitable...

You aren't the only one who has something else on that weekend, Me and John (and any others who want to turn up) will be at a small car show in Clacton on the 19th

But hey, look at it this way... Boy will the club be getting some publicity that weekend...:bounce:


Any chance you can e-mail me the latest membership form and an 'About Us' style intro sheet, so that I can try and make up some handouts...


27-05-2005, 08:16 AM
Hi Ade - Wilco.

I'll send you the tech spec sheet too, if I can find it soft copy! Might be Monday though.


13-06-2005, 07:44 PM
Just an udate due to financial reasons (woo hoo) I shall only be attending the sunday, anyone wishing to camp on the stand over the weekend send me your address and I'll post your stand pass...

25-06-2005, 04:05 PM
Piccys for anyone who is interested:

25-06-2005, 04:05 PM