View Full Version : Its that time of year again!

Paul w
15-05-2005, 05:58 PM
Hi Folks,

I've just renewed the domain registration for the U-UKHBC, so its time to come begging for a bit of support from the folks out there.

This site costs around £120 a year to run. Domain reg is around £30 a year with all the bits and pieces like email diversion and web diversion.
The server space (this site is getting quite large!) costs around £90 a year for the bandwidth and space it needs.

If you feel you have benifitted from this site, then i'd be gratefull if you could donate a few quid via paypal to keep it up and running.

Some of you already contribute both financially and in a technical way, a big thankyou to you lot for your efforts last year. The board would just be big list of questions without you! (steve, ade and Oz get special mentions!)

So, if the board has saved you a few quid on your insurance, or on garage fees, please share the savings and keep your favourite beat website up and running! You can use the 'make a donation' button at the bottom of the page.

Begging ends!

Many Thanks

Paul W

16-05-2005, 06:51 PM
donation made small but they all count :)

16-05-2005, 07:27 PM
My little contribution now sent... :bounce:

Come on everyone, chip in...:D


16-05-2005, 07:40 PM
I will when i get paid again... all my money gone walkies again :(

Paul w
17-05-2005, 04:04 PM
Thankyou all!

It does help. I'm not saying there would be no site without your contributions but they all help to keep the site up and running at a decent speed!

I'm in the process of tracking down the artwork I had done for the new site (which I promised 12 months ago!)


Tamsin Nunley
08-06-2005, 06:18 PM
What's an alternative way of paying, Paul? Cheque??

This folk on these forums have helped me out of many a scrape, not to mention help me in buying a beat in the first place.

You do a great job of holding it all together.

09-06-2005, 12:30 AM
Hi would like to contribute whats the going rate?
:confused: :bounce:
please advise .......