View Full Version : Car insurance

06-05-2005, 11:09 PM
Mine is up for renewal in June whats the cheapest around?

06-05-2005, 11:24 PM
Tesco's were the only ones brave enough to insure me... so can't really comment sorry

07-05-2005, 07:04 AM
I used Firebond, they cost £230 fully comp with zero no claims bonus as the beat is an extra car. I think they gave me a twoyear introductory bonus though. Telephone 08704 440556

(correct phone number now PW)

07-05-2005, 08:17 AM
I tried Tesco on line and my car did not come up think I will have to phone them,Will also give Firebond a call too.

07-05-2005, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by JGGIB
I tried Tesco on line and my car did not come up think I will have to phone them,Will also give Firebond a call too.

Just give them a call, they are nice enough, means you don't get the 10% bonus thing, but might be worth asking if you can have it anyway as you tried but your car wasn't on the list??? Can't hurt to ask!

Paul w
26-05-2005, 03:46 PM
Hey Jep,

Did it take a while to get your quote from firebond?

I've had 2 'we will call you back' s and no callback, now apparently they are trying to get a quote from the underwriters.

Meanwhile tesco have quoted me £291 3rd party only


26-05-2005, 06:20 PM
No I spoke to an operator who gave me a quote. I do have several different vehicles with them though.

02-06-2005, 11:06 PM
Try Lifesure................they insure Japcars and better still they know what a Beat is!!! My insurance cost me £283.00 and thats with a second driver. Fully comp and you can pay monthly if you want with no extortinate intrest rates added. Their contact no is 08703661235 or email them info@lifesure.co.uk
Hope this is of some use

03-06-2005, 07:26 AM
Hi mine is with Churchill no problems and well under £150
had no problems with it being an import.
The Beat is on their computer

Jenny B
03-06-2005, 12:56 PM
I'm insured with Direct Line. They only have the Beat version C on their Db even though I keep telling them mine is not any version! Cheap for me and no extra charge for additional driver but probably because I am over 50 :cool:
