View Full Version : Tips on Treating Rust (Not on my Beat)

06-05-2005, 12:14 AM
My 'workhorse' Honda Civic is developing some expanding bits of rust on the lower edge of the door, so I ought to treat it. Obviously wire wool is a good idea, but do any of you have any recommendations for treatment products to use once I get down to the bare metal? Or will touch-up paint suffice? It is now 12 and a half, and I want another year and a half out of it.



06-05-2005, 07:33 AM
Wire-wool / wire-brush / Sandpaper to get rid of most of it...

Then you want a product called Kurust (Or something like that), It changed the chemical compound of any rust that's left so that it's more stable.

Then once dry, just primer and paint as normal.

Hope this helps
