View Full Version : ECU Repairs
12-03-2005, 09:40 PM
Finally got my Beat back on the road after 3 months. Capacitors in the ECU had all blown, distributor was cracked and HT leads shot.
In case anyone is having ECU problems, my auto-electrical engineer desoldered all the componemts from the board, sent it for acid washing, then soldered on all new components, tested the board and got it working for less than £200, compared to the £400-500 you can pay for a new ECU.
Its now running like a dream :D If anyone wants his number, please let me know (Northants here).
Also, thanks to Steve M for "rescuing" the parcel of parts from the Post Office crusher!
13-03-2005, 03:54 AM
I'd be keen for an exchange that has been chipped! :)
13-03-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Beat-Nick
Also, thanks to Steve M for "rescuing" the parcel of parts from the Post Office crusher!
Glad it got sorted !! :D
I'm picking up my 1991 Beat in one week. It has approximately 36,000 miles (60,000km) on the clock. Should I go ahead and plan on replacing the capacitors in the ECU shortly after I take ownership of the car?
I'm familiar with the main relay fix - this is a common problem in 1988 - 1991 Civics, two of which I've had. I'll inspect this if/when I pull the ECU for repair.
06-02-2007, 11:28 PM
Hi Again Dax
If your going to play with the ECU you might aswell chip it so you can go faster than the 80mph restricted limit.And get a few more Revs.:) Ive found doing this you still dont loose any of the 50+mpg.
Hi Again Dax
If your going to play with the ECU you might aswell chip it so you can go faster than the 80mph restricted limit.And get a few more Revs.:) Ive found doing this you still dont loose any of the 50+mpg.
I'm familiar with chipping ECU's - I had Hondata in my turbocharged Civic and did all my own solder work. Who sells the chip? Is it a 28-pin EPROM?
If everyone thinks I should replace the caps, I'll go ahead and chip the ECU if I can get my hands on a chip. :)
I was thinking today - why do the capacitors deteriorate? Is it due to heat? If so, has anyone thought of fitting a small electric fan (like for a computer, can be had at radio shack for a few dollars) to the cover of their ECU after replacing the caps to keep air circulating through? You could cut a small hole and bolt the fan to the sheet metal lid, and also some vents to let a cross flow occur.
When I had my turbochaged Civic, I was using Hondata for engine management. I mounted the box to the ECU cover, and passed the wires into the cover through a hole I drilled and fitted with a grommet. See:
11-02-2007, 01:38 AM
The biggest problem I think is that the ecu is under a document box, behind the passenger seat.
You'd have to cut a hole in the thick (sound deadening) carpet and remove the document box, which would leave more holes in the carpet where the box was screwed on.
11-02-2007, 10:40 AM
I dont think its just the amount of heat that kills the capacitors, they actually have a life span in usage and really are probably only designed for about an average life of about 10 years.
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