View Full Version : Misfiring Beat
16-11-2002, 11:49 PM
I was on my way to fill up my Beat at the local Shell petrol station so that I could go to the Beat MEet at Gaydon when my Beat misfired and conked out, about 5 metres from the pump! Even though the petrol gauge said there was a third of a tank left I decided to fill up and cross my fingers. Well, neither worked :confused:
It was backfiring badly and not even getting close to starting. So I pushed my Beat out of the way and called the AA. I tried starting my Beat every 5 minutes but got the same result, badly backfiring. 40 minutes later an AA man turned up and spent the next 20 minutes talking about the car and unzipping the hood, taking off the engine cover and having a look at the engine. I suggested that I start the car so he could what was happening. And you can guess what happened. She started first time and ran like a dream.
Now.... I dont want to risk a long drive up to Gaydon
:( I was looking forward to it too, so sorry to those who I missed.
Has anyone got any idea what could be causing this?
My Beat has been sitting in the nice dry garage for the past 3 weeks with the battery disconnected. She was nice and dry and had good oil and water.
Any help would be much appreciated.
17-11-2002, 07:57 AM
I'm going to guess that it's the fuel pump relay playing up. sort of known problem..
When it refuses to run, Do you hear the fuel pump prime befure you start the engine?? if not then thats more likely to be your problem.
If you can hear it then I'm not sure but I recon that Steve M might be able to help.
Hope this gets you going,
Shame you won't be there today
john m
18-11-2002, 11:07 AM
I have the same problem, but it has gone from a regular occurrence to almost never. I know its the relay too because of the lack of the fuel pump buzz when the engine fails to start. I always listen for the fuel pump when I attempt to start the car and if I don't hear it I leave the car for an hour or two and it always starts. Not too nice when you have somewhere to be and the car gives grief, I am lucky that I have an alternative mode of transport. The relay is not very expensive and Steve M should be able to sort you out, in Ireland I can get one for about 65 euro but I am putting it off until we get some sunshine and I can use the car more often.
John M
I had a similar problem,
I dropped my car in at an auto electrician, they remade some dry joints under the dash and its been fine since...
20-11-2002, 12:04 AM
Thanks for all your help
I will have a look at the fuel pump relay at the weekend when I can see what I am doing, I will probably replace it regardless and then get the car serviced.
I have never had a car backfiring as badly or as noisily as this did! And then back to being fine after an hours rest.
Will let you know what I find
Thanks again ;)
Hi Chaps,
I must admit to having a problem very much the same as described above. I just kinda ignored it but now its really getting to be a pain in the a**. :rolleyes:
Start the car drive to the shops - fine. Turn the engine off, go into shop for ciggs, come out of shop - car wont start. Wait 5 mins have a cigg- car starts absolutely fine.
Once the car is started and turned off - it wont start again until you try - fail - have a cigg and wait 5 mins!
As mentioned it wasn't too much of a regular problem but now its getting annoying. I didn't realise about not hearing the relay kick in when it failed before I read this thread!
Is this a big thing to get fixed? Could I do it myself (with no knowledge of whats going on:) ) John M do you have a number by any chance of where in Ireland I could get a replacement?
Thanks for all yer help!
23-11-2002, 11:01 PM
Hi Dave,
I had the same prob and all was sorted when I replaced the main relay, which cost 66 Euro. I got mine from Des darcy motors, north street swords. PH 018400222. The item number on the invoice is h39400ss1003 ill check in my parts manual if thats defo the number. It is fairly simple to fit its located behind the passenger seat beside the ECU. As far as I can remember, the compartment behind the seat, the plastic strip above that and the center console have to be removed, then its a Grey relay beside the ECU simply plug in the new one. If your up in Dublin I could give you a hand.
John D
23-11-2002, 11:03 PM
the part number is: 39400-SS1-003
john m
25-11-2002, 09:04 AM
PM sent, hope that helps.
Thank you JohndD and JohnM,
I have bloody glandular (?) fever so forgive the lateness of my reply.
How long did the part take to order?
I have the NCT on the 13th Dec and would love to get the relay fixed before then (health permitting).
Again many thanks.
03-12-2002, 04:41 PM
Mine took 5 days
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