View Full Version : Ecu

16-02-2005, 10:58 AM
Hi All,

well we are just about to collect the baby after the cam belt went, After a £1650 bill !!!! teach me not to change it first. However we have now developed a ECU fault, according to the light flashing! will have to check the light my self as the garage checked it and im not sure they we excactly confident in what they were checking (although I did pass the infomation on).
I seem to remember somebody saying they were doing a part ex scheme on the ecu ? if so what is the charge (just in case).


Pete & Sue (seriously lacking in funds !!)

16-02-2005, 11:44 AM
WOW you could have bought a car for that!! What code is the ECU showing? Its possible that one of the sensors is off or the timing is totally screwed up after the repair....


16-02-2005, 12:33 PM
I'd guess that it gives the Cyl Pos sensor...

Normally because the timing hasn't been set properly...

There's a chart in the technical section listing the fault codes and it's nice and easy to check so hopefully won't be to hard to fix.


Paul w
16-02-2005, 05:14 PM
I may have an ECU for sale, but not sure if it will work until i repair it!

I doubt its an ECU problem to be honest, sounds like a sensor on upside down or something!