View Full Version : oil light problem / overheating

15-02-2005, 09:55 AM
Firstly the oil light:

Saturday morning

Turned on exnition and no oil light.... when I started the engine it flashed on and off, so bulb hadn't gone.

Saturday afternoon

Found out Beat was low on oil, topped it up and light came on with ignintion....

Saturday evening

Oil light failed to come on again at all

Sunday all day

Never came on, checked oil.... still plenty of the stuff


It came on with ignition once, but hasn't been seen since

Any ideas????


Secondly over heating

Did a nice lon treck yesterday to a Jap car meet up north! Doing 80mph down the motorway following a rather nice looking chap in an rx7... the temp started to rise rapidly. Stopped accelerating and the temp started to drop.

Eventually I found out that doing more than 6,000 rpm cause the temperature gauge to climb... but everything went back to normal after 10mins.

Is this related to the first problem? I'm thinkin it might be a result of the garage I bought it off not putting any water in the system, so it ran dry.... therefore suckin air in? and causing an air lock?

Any ideas, any help would be most appreciated as I hate to see my Beat so ill.

15-02-2005, 05:32 PM
Few questions:

Has the car only just started to overheat like this?? (reading your post I'd guess yes)

Have you checked the water level??

If the level is fine and it keeps doing it then it could be the water pump giving up... (hopefully not, don't think it's the easiest thing to change)

I'm sure the engine guru Steve M will be along later and post his ideas.


15-02-2005, 08:34 PM

I would make sure that the on/off light problem hasn’t been caused by an intermitting connection or perhaps a loose bulb.

Then I would check the coolant level and if low get a bottle of Honda coolant and top up to the correct level, with the engine cool (and heater turned to hot) I would remove the front and rear coolant pressure caps start the engine and if there is any air in the system it should be pushed out with the car ticking over, also if you notice a stream of coolant (which increases with engine revs)coming from the front of the car when it has heated up a bit, this would indicate that the water pump is still working

There are lots of other things that could be wrong and other ways of doing it, but that should be a good starting point.

Oh it would be a good idea to buy 2 uprated coolant caps.. when driving hard coolant can be lost from the rear bottle and will eventually cause the temp gauge to rise (happened to me!) and that might be your problem. Any honda one will do, I got my beat Mugen Ones just to be fancy :)


16-02-2005, 12:17 AM
Thanks for the advice, I will give it a go tomorrow

Water and Oli levels are fine, that was the first thing I checked.

It hasn't happened since, and I haven't had any trouble with the oil light either... still doesn't mean it won't happen again

17-02-2005, 12:30 AM
If the car is overheating on a motorway I'd say its either termostat, you got water there insted of coolant(check the colour) or an airlock like you said.

The cooling system on the beat is quite strange for a number of reasons.

My car takes forever to heat up, I drive 15 miles to work and it only begins to heat up when i get there.

Also it only overheats when in traffic for a long time but thats cause the thermo switch on the fan doesn't work.

I also heard of a case where the car heats up like normal but once you hit an open road the heat goes right down.

The oil lamp thing I wouldn't really worry about it unless it comes back again. Checking oil is optional, but recommended. :)

17-02-2005, 01:31 AM
Hi W.L. this is what happens if you chace boys/men.

It sounds like some thing might have blocked your air intake on the rad or probably the thermostat is faulty best take out the thermostat and go for a burn on the motorway and see what happens.
The oil pressure lamp probably has a bad connection on the wire from the sender unit or the sender unit it self. is faulty. To test turn the ignition on dont start engine then remove the wire of the sender unit and earth it the light wil go on then you know the sender is no good. (probably be simmilar to the civic).
Dont forget with the bad weather we are having lots of spray and salt gets washed onto the block so corrosion is a possability.
If sill no joy pop over and see uncle. Do you want to see a puppy?? ...lol...:bounce: :bounce: