View Full Version : Track Day
10-02-2005, 12:26 AM
Hi All,
Me and Adam and another beat owner Mark are off to a track day on the 17th of March and would love if others could join in!
The details are: Mondello International Circuit, Thursday 17th March
Their web site:
A half days works out at 150 euro (we are going for the morning session)
If your interested let me know, should be a great day. Its my first time going on the track so it should be interesting!
Ill try and get a few cappo owners to go too..
Michael :D :D :D
09-03-2005, 11:38 PM
Come on..... someone has to be interested!!!
Come on, someone must feel like wrecking a car :D
10-03-2005, 01:57 AM
The boyfriend's teaching me to drift at the next drift meet... but I dont think i'm brave enough to take the beat around a track... on the drift learner track all i've got to avoid is cones... i dont trust myself on a track let alone my beat which I dont really know well enough...
sorry chaps gonna have to pass on this one
Paul w
10-03-2005, 01:11 PM
Drifting a beat is never going to be easy as its Torque vs Grip.
The beat has little of one and lots of the other....
Wet roads maybe, Dry track.......doubtful!
Have fun
10-03-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Paul w
Drifting a beat is never going to be easy as its Torque vs Grip.
The beat has little of one and lots of the other....
Wet roads maybe, Dry track.......doubtful!
Have fun
sorry, i meant in his rx7 *evil smile* :D
Just got back from the track day and it was great. Cars were falling apart everywhere but the little beats came home without a scratch. They took it really well.
It felt a little underpowered when carring a passager but apart from that it was great. I nearly didn't make it a couple of times but thanks to another drivers quick reaction I am not a part of a VW Golf. The handling was excellent and I couldnt falt it, you could keep up with anything in a corner. Anyway some of the pictures are here:
17-03-2005, 07:46 PM
Fantastic photos :D
17-03-2005, 11:53 PM
Looked as a lot of fun!!
Pity Dublin is so far from Birmingham UK
18-03-2005, 11:14 AM
What a great day! The day passed off without incident. The beats held up well and were actually faster than I thought they would be!
I think ill need to sort out the suspension before the next track day, my thing handled like a boat in comparison with Adams RSR and Marks Mugen suspension! I think it would be beneficial to get 14" all round also to kill some of that horrible understeer!
All in all for a road car it done really well, its a really tough track
Paul w
18-03-2005, 10:12 PM
Hmmmm i have some gas shox doing nothing....offers?
18-03-2005, 10:18 PM
Look likes great fun!
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