View Full Version : cheap mods

20-01-2005, 10:34 PM
I have just fited a Scopion bike can(muffler)to my beat after removing a sorry looking honda one.only good for straning veg due the holes in it.Sounds fantastic.cost £36.00 from Ebay.
So then iv looked at the air box re-moved it for a look and found a filter which i think has never been removed in its life.So ive cut out the old paper element,then ive glued a pippercross sponge filter inbetwen the old outer filter rubber.And to top it all off.
Ive cut the front off the air box just leaving the fed pipe and a bit of casing,at 8000rpm sounds like a f-29.and feels more responsive.Any one else done any thing like this????

21-01-2005, 05:07 PM
I am!

I'm looking at fitting a pair of scorpion cans when I fit the 700cc engine.

I can't picture what you've done with the air filter. Have you taken the pipework out that runs into the wing?

21-01-2005, 07:19 PM
no ive left the pipework going in ,but then 3cm from were it goes in ive cut the front off the air box.photos to follow.the scorpion sound fantastic.weres the 700cc from bored out?

21-01-2005, 10:49 PM
I put a Scorpion can on mine while I was preping for the Powerflow. (I just stuck it in place to see what it sounded like) Awesome!!! but you've beat me to actually getting one fitted.
The 700cc is the Feels kit, I've been working on it for about a year on and off, there is a bit more to it than just boreing it out as I found out after I'd started!
When I've finnished I'll put a post up about the whole project and wheather it's worth the effort. At least anyone else who want's to take it on will have all the solutions.