View Full Version : De Cat

20-01-2005, 07:04 PM
Hi All,

I have modified the existing cat to become a de cat, it gives more power and makes a better noise however, i am getting a sports exhaust so i want to get a standard cat to give back pressure and keep the noise levels down..

If anyone what it its free but i want your standard one in return!


21-01-2005, 05:10 PM
You can have your old one back if you want?

Is the temp sensor still working?

21-01-2005, 05:37 PM
Hi Tim!

I’m not too sure what the story is with the temp sensor, when I got mine it was never connected and the cat temp light was lit up on the dash, so I took the bulb out and everything was running fine, so its the same with this cat, no light bulb in, but everything seems to be running fine...

To be honest im not 100% sure what the temp sensor actually dose? As far as I know its just senses the temp for the purposes of the light.. So if that’s all it doses I cant tell if its working as I cant reset the warning light. :confused:

I have a better look things when the whether get a little better.. Ill see what’s connected and what’s not and ill see if I can get the light to go out


21-01-2005, 06:01 PM
Sorry Just noticed where i posted this... wrong forum!
can a moderator move it?
sorry :suicide:

21-01-2005, 08:39 PM