View Full Version : Interior light

15-01-2005, 05:21 PM
My ickle beat doesn't have a interior light... just a hole and a grey plug.

Can you buy replacment units? 'cause it appears everything is there apart from the light unit itself lol

Also is the interior light linked to the key warning? Because when my dad was testing it nothing happened with or without the door being open until I plugged the green plug back in!!!

15-01-2005, 06:21 PM
Oz should be able to get you one from Japan through his contacts quite easily.

The link to the auctions on his website isn't working properly at the moment but hopefully it will be sorted soon.

The green plug is just the sounder unit that tells you that either you have turned on the ignition without putting on your seat belt or you have opened the door with the keys still in the ignition. (most people get annoyed with it and unplug it anyway...)

Someone on here might have a light unit but Oz will deff be able to get you one if not.


17-01-2005, 11:19 PM
I have found that the door switches are common to a Honda Civic Accord and probably most other mid 90's Hondas.
the lamp unit can be of any car as most have a 3 wire set up ie operated by door opening and operated by internal switch. then these can be connected to the beat loom.:suicide: