View Full Version : Some pictures from the cruise me and jurek went to last night

09-01-2005, 01:15 PM
Hee hee, Jurek and I went to a 'cruise' last night, something I do quite a lot, but managed to convinve Jurek to come along...

We ended up at Tamworth's Sainsbury's Car Park, with about 400+ cars I think... parked the two beats together and went for a wonder...

Nearly ever magazine photographer that was there took a picture off the two little beats, and a lot of people asked what they were... I'm sure over the course of the next few days more pictures will be put up...

So far there are:

Someone might ask why i'm posting this up, was just thinking it would be nice to see some more beats out now and then... If anyone is interested in coming to the next one PM me or e-mail me (em@max-car.com) and i'll pass you on the details. I'd love to meet more of you :)

My Favourite picture so far: hee hee

09-01-2005, 07:05 PM
I am the one on the left
thanks Wh1teLeopard for introducing me to the gang:bounce: :bounce:

09-01-2005, 07:41 PM
Looking good,

Just a shame it's so far away...:(


10-01-2005, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by adrianp
Just a shame it's so far away...:(

Well you never know where they end up... if I ever hear of one your way, i'll let you know :)