View Full Version : Cappuccino
16-12-2004, 10:23 PM
Hi All,
Has anyone driven one? Im thinking of getting a buddy for my beat! I have been offered a Cappuccino with some damage and im going to look at one on saturday
I was wondering if anyone has any tips/advice about them?
Ive tried to loging on to the Score web site and they want £25 which i dont feel like paying!
So any advice form you guys would be appreciated!
Dave Red
16-12-2004, 11:52 PM
Hey Midship
Think I met you at Mosney a couple of years ago, when we had our little red K car show!
Basically the Cappo is mechanically very robust, the big problem is rust, especially around the rear arches, number plate surround and sometimes under the rear roof folding mech cover. Rust protection was not considered when the cars were offically imported into the UK, so the UK cars suffer more than the Jap imports.
roof, bonnet and front front sills are aluminium so dent easily.
roof panels leak also if not stored carefully, but this is easily fixed.
binding rear disks can be a problem also.
try to get a standard car as modded turbos tend to go make the engine go pop!
hope this helps
17-12-2004, 12:30 AM
Hi Dave!
Yeah i remember meeting you at the mosney show, Good to hear from you!
Thanks for the advice ill keep and an eye out for rust, do you have any idea of the cost of a headlight and a wing?
I remember someone (dont know if it was yourself) telling me that the headlight unit is mad expensive since its HID?
I must say im looking forward to seeing the car, I was really really impressed with the ones i seen at mosney
Dave Red
17-12-2004, 12:56 AM
Yep, headlamps are very expensive and very rare, last reckoning they were £360 stg each!!! thats original stuff though you could try a guy on SCORE got them for £85 each.
Try this link also, Dany may be able to fix you up with some bits and pieces.
All the best, we must try and meet up again during 05
Paul w
17-12-2004, 07:33 PM
There is a website called score or something similar which is a bit like this one.....
Hang on i'll find it
They should help ya!
(say hi from us lot!)
17-12-2004, 09:41 PM
You should be able to view all the posts on their forum but it's the posting messages bit that costs you...
Best to enter the site, click on cappuccinos for sale then click on forum index at the top of the page...
Most people provide contact details in the for sale section so you should be able to ask questions that way.
Hope this helps
19-12-2004, 01:22 AM
Thanks lads i managed to work it out! :suicide:
Well I Bought it... and I must say im well impressed! VERY fast! and it handels really well, its a bit arse happy though i think it might have lsd!
Ill put up a detailed report when i fix it up and a few pictures.. now all i need is a drivers light and wing, dont know where to start looking!
Dave Red
21-12-2004, 10:41 AM
Glad you like it, I had mine put away for the winter but took it out yesterday and drove it 300miles, I had forgotten what good fun it is!:D
If you need any help in getting bits and pieces for it give me a shout.
22-12-2004, 10:42 PM
Thanks Dave!
If you here of anyone with a spare drivers headlight, wing and/or front bumper please let me know!
The cappo is also suffering from the usual ticking AIC valve problem I have tried fixing it with a can of Wynes carburettor and fuel injector cleaner but that didn’t work! I noticed on SCORE that the guys carry out a procedure with a multimeter to fix it, but because im not a member I cant view it!
Any help really appreciated!
22-12-2004, 10:52 PM
Oh Dave Check out the other Kai cars forum that paul w has kindly added..
Its so irritating not been able to post on the SCORE site without paying! Ill be hanging out in the other Kai forum for now!
I’m in the process of getting a workshop manual PDF CD for Cappos which I will make available at cost to visitors to the forum and I will put together a few service how toos aswell!
It would be great if you could invite any of the other cappo owners you know to come vist, chat and contribute.. Oh and its Free of Charge .. Thanks Paul!
16-06-2007, 02:24 AM
Hey guys,
just wanting opinions on both cars??
17-06-2007, 11:44 PM
This is may be of some help:
My quote from attached thread:
Just thought I give my opinion since I own two beats and a cappo!
All in all both are excellent cars, both unique and brilliant in there own way, which one to choose is dependant upon what you want from a car.
If I HADN`T a practical second car I would choose the cappo, hard roof means you can drive it and its bone dry all year round and you have a boot provided the roof is on.
If I was forced to choose between the two, the cappo would have to go im afraid to say. Fair enough the beat is slower and is less practical BUT I simply love the way the beat handles, the roaring engine the unmistakable feel of the midship layout.. and you could buy a good beat and have enough left over to get a new roof etc etc, given their price in comparison to cappos, Beats are an absolute bargin at the moment.
I would definitely agree with Murray though one of each is definitely in order if at all possible next on my shopping list is an AZ1 !
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