View Full Version : Mirrors

12-11-2004, 11:09 PM
Wasn't sure where to post this...

Hope someone can help me...

I got the little yellow beat I wanted, I'm offically a beat owner :D but, the passenger side mirror is damaged...

I think it's been hit at some point. It's bent back towards the car, and won't go back into it's correct position.... this makes it almost impossible to see out of it when driving... as i'm short I have to sit near the wheel, and so i have to have the mirrors pushed out fully anyway...

So question 1

Does anyone know how to get the mirrors off so I can have a proper look at it?... see if it's a matter of replacing a spring or something

question 2

Where can I buy a new one??

This is the little Beat I got: (makes my Fiesta look HUWGE)

13-11-2004, 07:09 AM
Here are instructions on how to remove the mirror

Mirror replacement (http://www.honda-beat.co.uk/Mirror Replacement.pdf)

I can supply you a new mirror and Price is £157.60


13-11-2004, 12:52 PM

When I've got everything else sorted on it, ie Alarm... I'll give you a shout :)

15-11-2004, 01:50 PM
I think Adam, rebuilt his own mirrors several times with duct tape and glue, if they can be repaired then he's your man!


16-11-2004, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by ozsamurai
I think Adam, rebuilt his own mirrors several times with duct tape and glue, if they can be repaired then he's your man!


Duct tape and glue???? Doesn't exactly fill me with confidence :p

Plus I want to make my little beat super shiney and perfect for the car shows next year...

I've already picked out the paint job I want... Yellow and Pale Orange flip...

So i think i'd like a new shiney one when I find the £££s to pay for one

17-11-2004, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by ozsamurai
I think Adam, rebuilt his own mirrors several times with duct tape and glue, if they can be repaired then he's your man!


Ahh here, give me some credit. I am working on a budget and its rough :) . Well the problem I had was that the mirrors didn't exist. But all you guys need to do is repair the ones you got. It can't be that hard, like oz said, duck tape a couple of cable ties and you home.

Here are mine if you didn't see them: