View Full Version : Mystery connection

03-11-2004, 02:52 PM
Hello all, could someone help me identify what the green connector is in the pic below (its to the left of the clutch pedal):

Its not connected but everything seems to be working ok so i'm reluctant to reconnect it in case its like that for a reason.

-Also does anyone have a tip on how to remove the side light bulbs, looks light the whole front light cluster may need removing to get at them.

Many Thanks


03-11-2004, 04:14 PM

looks like it could be an immobiliser or alarm module, not standard on beat.



03-11-2004, 06:05 PM
That should be your annoying door bleeper to tell you to remove your keys, i have mine disconnected too


03-11-2004, 06:13 PM
I'm pretty sure Midship is right. Stick your keys in the ignition with the door open and all should be quiet. Reconnect that little thing the car starts chirping at you.
I just wish it would do it when the lights are left on and the door is opened. Twice I've flattened the battery now.:(

03-11-2004, 06:17 PM
Funny you should say that Tim, i was thinking about wiring something up for the lights too, ive left them on more than once

03-11-2004, 06:29 PM
I've actually made the buzzer (kit available from Maplin). It's finding the bloomin' sidelight feed to take a tap from it:mad:

Tamsin Nunley
03-11-2004, 06:54 PM
>>I just wish it would do it when the lights are left on and the >>door is opened. Twice I've flattened the battery now

You too? :) I've managed about 5 times in the last month (tho it's possible Beepy needs a new battery, cos it seems to drain awfully quick)

Juyst a good job the Guy with the Jump Leads here at work is a patient soul! :rolleyes:

03-11-2004, 07:20 PM
thanks Midship and tinytim, spot on; I recon a feed from the lights connected to this box could be used to activate the beeper too. might get my meter (avo) out at the weekend to work the wiring out.

How about my other question which was how to get the side lights out of the light cluster? do you know if it can be done without taking the whole cluster out?

03-11-2004, 08:19 PM
Yeap thats it, its the buzzer for when you have left your keys in the ignition.

Its actually quite easy to make that in to a lights on buzzer, I found the details on a Japanese website, I will try to find the info and post it. It just requires a relay putting in that responds to the lights being on and earth the wire that normally gets earthed when the key is in.

As for the side light, you gain access via the grommet which is under the wheel arch, and there is that funny special tool that hold the bulb holder (prob use a long nose pair of pliers)


03-11-2004, 08:46 PM
Can never find what your looking for when you want, the info was some where but as far as i can remember it goes like this.

here is the wiring as it starts out.

03-11-2004, 08:48 PM
Adding a straight change over relay in on the blue/white wire which can be found behind the steering cowling, using its earth as well, the only other connection is the light feed which can be found on the spare plug which is for the front foglamp behind the dash blank.

so it connect like this

03-11-2004, 09:16 PM
Thanks Steve for all that info, I'm really impressed with those wiring diagrams!



03-11-2004, 09:22 PM
download the rest @ wiring diagram (zipped file) (http://www.honda-beat.co.uk/Beat.zip)


03-11-2004, 09:58 PM
very usefull!