View Full Version : I'm thinking of buying a beat but can't get insurance :(

31-10-2004, 02:44 PM
I've never seen or heard of a Honda Beat before, but I saw one about a week ago, and I really really want to buy it...

But i'm only 19, and Norwich Union wouldn't insure me cause they'd never heard of it, and Priviledge said they couldn't because I wasn't 25 :(

Anyone got any ideas, because I've got the cash to buy it....

31-10-2004, 02:54 PM

may be able to help, other wise try Adrian Flux.

@ 19 its not going to be cheap thou!!

31-10-2004, 03:02 PM
insurance companies make me laugh....

someone I know was quoted £2500 for insurance on a metro he bought for £100...

and now I can't get insured on a beat...

and people wonder why other people drive 'round with no insurance???

Andy V
31-10-2004, 04:37 PM
I can understand your frustration.

Ours is insured with Tesco Insurance but I don't know about any age limits they might apply because we're elderly folk now :p

31-10-2004, 11:20 PM
Thanks for the advice... i've got to ring more people tomorrow... there's enough companies out there, one of them has to be money hungry enough to insure me :D

Also whilst I'm here... I wonder if anyone can give me an idea on whether the Beat I have my eye on is good value for money...

The bodywork is spotless, not a scratch...

It's yellow, H reg, 2 owners, A/C, colour coded mirrors/bumpers, fog lights, hpi certificate available, spoiler, alloy wheels + E/W

for £2,500 I can probably talk him down to a lower price because I noticed that the exhaust had rotted away at the tip, and the roof requires a little attention...

but as I know next to nothing about Beats, is that a good price?

Paul w
01-11-2004, 05:39 PM
oooh you dont want a yellow one.....get a nice red one!!

(have you seen my for sale ad?)

Seriously though, its in the right area for a beat in winter.

A really spot on immaculate one will set you back 4-5k, but it would have to be concourse condition.

most change hands now for 2-3.5k, less in winter!
Have you driven one? I'm only in south stafford and have a chipped one with a new roof in the garage!

A new hood is £370ish plus fitting, exhaust is 300-400 for a back box from japan, less if you dont mind having a stainless steel traffic cone joined directly to your manifold (like ade!)


01-11-2004, 08:53 PM
On the insurance side I was quoted £8000 by one company (daft tw@s) but I'm happily with Tesco's now. You won't find the Beat on their web site but if you phone them I think it is still on their data base.
When you go to look at the Beat it would be wise to be aware that the engine warning light should come on and go out. No flashes. If it doesn't come on beware. Also the car should idle at 1200 or pretty close to it and should rev past 7500rpm, way past actually but a known problem with no answer as yet, is a rev limit at 7500. Not a show stopper but a good bargaining tool.

01-11-2004, 10:50 PM
Thanks for all the help :)

I took it for a test drive today...I think i'm in love

And after a brief conversasion about my moddified fiesta, we eventually struck up a deal where I put a refundable deposist on of £200... which is to be returned if I cannot get finance by saturday...

so off down the banks tomorrow to plead and beg, and i'm taking a pic of the car down.... who can resist the charms of a beat? I know I can't...

Also on the insurance front, I rang over 20 companies and all of them said "NO WAY" cause of my age and the fact it's imported... even the specialists who deal in imported japanise cars... in the end Tesco came to my rescue, and offered me a wonderful £1,200 quote for it :D

All I have to do now is kiss bank butt, and it's mine....

03-11-2004, 07:33 PM
I finally bought it today :D

Thanks to my kinda parents...

yay! I pick it up on monday :D