View Full Version : Getting there

08-10-2004, 06:29 PM
I just resprayed the car and retrimmed the seats. Its made such a difference and I'm really happy. But if anyone is doing the seats, half leather is the best way to go.

08-10-2004, 06:30 PM
And the seats

09-10-2004, 11:37 AM
Looking good there Adam, did you paint the interior plastic or is it covered with something?

It's no good telling me 1/2 leather is the best way to go now!! My passenger seat is in getting full leather. I was going to do it two colours like you've done it but decided to go with a single, you've got me worried about what it's going to look like now.

A personal question, I hope you don't mind me asking but How much for the seats to be done and did they keep the pattern?


09-10-2004, 08:26 PM
Hay Tim,

The doors are black leather too. It’s the same as the seats. I used glove soft real leather and before I had the seats done I sat on it for the night to see if its all that.

Anyway I found out that it wasn't that nice, so hence I decided to only have the back and sides. And yes it’s the same pattern as the original because it looks great.

Now for the price, I bought the leather in the states for $100 and the red material I had matched to the paint locally for 100 euro. So that was it for the cost cause my mother did the seats for me in return for letting her drive the car occasionally.

In real life the seats are not that shiny and the paint job I did myself.

09-10-2004, 09:21 PM
Ahhh mums,,,,they're great.

My seat is getting done in a local upholstrers so it's costing a tad more than that. The leather is however the type that he uses to make sofas so I'm hoping it's comfortable, just a little worried about the choice to do it all in one colour???

The paint job looks good, do you fancy bringing your stuff over to Fishguard and doing a green one?:D

10-10-2004, 10:48 AM
As far as I can remember your car looked great Tim and it don't need a paint job. I'm sure the seats will turn out fine. In the process of doing Midships Hardtop and then the rest of car.

Here is another pic.

12-10-2004, 10:28 PM
I've seen the seats done in grey leather and they also look good.The original seats with half grey leather would be good too,anybody done this???:)

13-10-2004, 11:01 PM
Ah yeh full leather is cool but I was thinking from the practical point as I drive my beat all the time.

14-10-2004, 05:20 PM
I see we have a different view on this one Adam, I fitted leather specificly beacuse I use the car all the time (I'm looking at hitting 40 000km by the 2 year point) and the original seats (which were perfect when I got the car) are already showing signs of wear with a hole in the wing of the drivers. I chose to go with a proper upholstrey leather in the hope I'm not going to end up with a sweaty bu,,,,,back.
With luck I'll have the passenger one back next week. By the way, will I be able to fit the passenger seat in the drivers side as a temp while the drivers side is being done? I didn't bother to check when iI took the thing out :rolleyes:

14-10-2004, 05:43 PM
Ok first the seat swap. You will be able to fit it but not really bolt it down since the passager seat is smaller. So I'm not sure how you'll work that. But I'm sure you will come up with something.

The leather issue.

From the wear and tear point you are right that leather will take more abuse then a lot of the fabrics.

As for the full leather option I not sure since you are using real leather and not that fake stuff. My brother had a CRX with the lederette and it was horrible, looked great thou.

I did sit on mine for a couple of hours and it wasn't that nice hence I went this way. Anyway the person who does your seats should know best. Have a look what they have in their car :)